Part 3

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Sunoo's POV

Once Sunoo got out of the classroom, he went running.
He ran as fast as he could to an empty washroom.
Slamming the door of a cubicle shut, leaning against it.
He slides down the door, curling up on the floor, crying.

Sunoo , muffled speech : I'm so sorry Jungwon, I'm sorry. Please, forgive me.
Sunoo sat there sobbing for quite some time

The truth is, three weeks back, Sunoo went for his regular medical screening.
He explained to the specialist that he has been feeling pain in his chest, difficulty breathing and he gets out of breath quite frequently. Furthermore, he has been feeling lightheaded, more tired than usual and much weaker than before.
He was sent to go further and more thorough scans and tests.

Just 2 days ago, he received the results all of his screenings.
In this three weeks where Sunoo was awaiting for the results, Sunoo has been losing his appetite and getting pale. There was also times where he even needed an O2 mask to help him breathe.
He himself knew, this wasn't good something isn't right.
The results, confirmed it.
His lungs were deteriorating, fast. And he was in the last stage of lung disease.

The doctor advised that he should be hospitalised for a few days for treatment and have more frequent medical checkup with the specialist team.
He got some prescriptions from the doctors that would slow down the deterioration.
However, at the current state of his lungs, the best solution would be a transplant.

Sunoo didn't want it, he doesn't want to feel the pain of a surgery again. The risks of this surgery was also very high. There is a chance for organ rejection, this is where the body's immune system attacks the donor's lungs as if it is a disease, severe rejection could lead to failure of the donor's lungs.
Another risk is that this would be a major surgery, it is serious and could be fatal..
He searched up the statistics of the success rate of lung transplant surgeries, he found that 80% live at least a year after the surgery and only 55%-70% live three years or more.
He was worried that even after a transplant, he would die in no time.

After discussions with his family, they decided to respect Sunoo's decision and free him from the pain.
He will not take up any form of treatment.
What Sunoo wants is to live happily and bring joy to people around him with the time he has left.

He thought hard about it, but he did not want Jungwon by his death bed or at his funeral. He knew Jungwon would be weeping and Sunoo would not be able to rest in peace.
He was determined to break off his friendship with Jungwon.
He knew it will hurt him, but he knew it will hurt more if he dies in front of him.
This lead to the scene on 27th August.

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