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Julie's P.O.V.

"I don't think this is such a good idea," I admit, as Tyler parks his car.

"It's just a party, Julie," Tyler shakes his head. "We'll go in and just grab a soda and leave if you really don't want to be here. But I think you should at least come inside."

"I wasn't invited," I argue.

"Well I was and you're my plus one," He says, turning the key off in the ignition.

"Flynn is in there though," I fold my hands together.

"Even more reason to go inside," Tyler says, opening his door. "You really should talk to her."

I look down at my hands. "I'd rather not."

"Julie, she's your best friend. You should at least try," Tyler says. He opens his door all the way and steps out. He closes his door before walking around the car and opening mine. He holds his hand down to me and smiles kindly, "We can leave as soon as you really want to."

I nod and slip my hand in his as he helps me out of the car. I walk up to Peter's house with him, avoiding eye contact with the people who turn their heads my direction. I don't want to do this, but Tyler didn't give me much of a choice. Even my dad was on board with me going to a party after Tyler convinced him it was just a little get together to celebrate the end of the semester.

"Hey," Tyler bumps my shoulder with his arm. "It's still a party. You can relax a little."

I give him an awkward laugh before we step through the front doorway and into the house. I see some familiar faces of my peers and a genuine smile finds its way to my lips. Everyone looks so happy. They're all getting along, cliques intermingling. It's fun to witness.

Tyler starts walking toward the kitchen without me noticing. There are several bodies between us by the time I realize he's not by my side anymore. I swerve around my peers and get back to Tyler as fast as I can. I slip my index finger through one of his belt loops and hold onto him, making sure I don't lose him again. He looks over his shoulder at me and laughs a little before sliding his hand around mine and holding it. "I won't let you get lost."

"I appreciate that," I mumble sarcastically.

"And I don't want you to rip my belt loop off," he adds.

I salute him with my freehand and continue following him through the house. When we get to the kitchen, Tyler drops my hand. He opens a big cooler and pulls out two Pepsis, handing me one.

(A.N. is the plural of Pepsi actually Pepsis... that looks like a disease •pep-sis•)

"Thanks," I say, cracking it open.

Tyler nods and takes a swig of his Pepsi.  There's a muffled sound, like someone is plugging in a big speaker and Tyler turns to the living room. Someone starts playing "Fireball" by Pitbull and several people start cheering and dancing.

"Do you wanna dance?"

I have to look at Tyler dumbfounded for a few seconds. Did he really just ask me that?

"Actually," I look back at the crowd in the living room. "I would love to dance."

Dahlia's P.O.V.

"I just don't get it," I say, picking at my blanket. "I feel like I did something wrong."

"No," Alex shakes his head, sitting on my bed. "No, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why did it feel so awkward when I brought it up?" I ask. Ranting to Alex about my Luke problem should be therapeutic, but instead it feels more like an awkward confessional video on a reality TV show no one watches.

"Well, Luke has a history you know," he says. "I mean, he did in the 90's. He wasn't always the best in relationships and he sort of had a reputation. And you're - inexperienced. Maybe, I think, he just feels weird about the whole thing not only because you're alive and he's dead, but because he doesn't want to mess it up."

"He couldn't mess it up though, if it could happen I mean," I argue. "We're in love, aren't we? That's enough for me. I don't need it to be 'perfect' or something."

"That's the thing though," Alex says. "He's Luke. And he loves you. He wants it to be perfect. He wants it to be romantic and fairytale like and special. You're important to him and I think that's just his way of showing it."

"I don't know," I shake my head. "It honestly just felt like he just didn't even want to discuss the topic with me at all."

"Probably because he thinks it's too soon," he suggests. "He probably feels like there's a lot of pressure on you to be thinking that that is a step your guys' relationship should take. And he probably doesn't want to rush things."

"Alex, can I ask you something else?" I ask.

"Go for it," he shrugs.

"Have you and Willie... ya know?" I question, immediately feeling too intrusive.

"Oh," Alex makes a face that tells me he would be blushing if he could. "No. No, we haven't gone all the way yet."

"All the way?"

"Okay, we're not here to talk about my sex life, Lia," he says, clapping his hands together lightly after every syllable.

"Right, we're here to talk about my hypothetical one," I add. "Because I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

"Just give him time, Dahlia," Alex says, standing up. "And give yourself time."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you should really think about it," he says, walking toward the door. "Do you really want your first time to be with a ghost that you only get to see part time?"

I pause, my mouth opening and closing again knowing it has nothing to say.

"I'm gonna be late for my date with Willie," Alex says, interrupting my thoughts. "I'll see you later bestie. Love you."

"Love you too," I say as he poofs out of the room.


Okay girl... kinda good. Kinda proud of myself. Even though it's 2 A.M. and I should be asleep. It's fine. It's fine.



Love, Dahlia // B2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant