Chapter 3:old friend

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As we all make it to a beautiful house with glass stained windows I turn off my car and get out and smile

"Damn my old friend has taste" I say and Emmett s booming laugh comes out and I smile

"Let's go inside" Rosalie says

We all go inside

"Carlisle I'm home" I stated as a greeting and said vampire appears and chuckles

"Alex is that really you?" Carlisle asks I chuckle .

"Yes old friend it's me , one of my uncles says hi by the way" I say Carlisle smiles at me

Soon a woman with Carmel hair and a heart shaped face comes and stands next to Carlisle

"Carlisle who's this?" She asked

"Alex I'd like you to meet my wife and Mate Esme, Esme darling this is an old friend of mine from Beacon hills, California, Alexandria but prefers Alex or Alexis" Carlisle introduces

"You've finally found her" I said happily he nods

"Uh not that I don't like your visits Alex but why are you here?" he asks

"Your children want to know how I know you guys are vampires" I say he nods

We go to the living room and sit down I sit on the couch

"So the reason i know about vampires,werewolves, the pathetic excuse of shifters across the pond, and I also know of the voltori is because I am what people call a Druid" I say

"What's a Druid?" Emmett asks

"Typically a Druid is a protector of Humans but one of my uncles sent me here to protect all of you" I say

"Protect us from what?" Edward asks

"Anyone that wishes to cause you harm" i say

Edward tries to read my mind to see if I'm actually telling to truth

"I have no reason to lie , do I Carlisle, Jasper?" I ask as my eyes are closed
"No she doesn't " they both say at the same time

"Edward your gift will not work on me, neither will Alice s, the only gift that will work on me is Jasper, or should I say Major Jasper Whitlock " I smirk as I open my eyes to look at jasper

"Why only my gift?" jasper asks

"You are my Elkan" I tell him

"What is an Elkan" Rosalie and Esme asked

"It's a Druid s version of a mate" Carlisle answers

"Now all that leaves is Edward to find his mate" i say

"Is she human or like you" he asks

I sigh as I look at Rosalie because I know she hates them 'I'm so sorry' I whisper to Rosalie

"Emmett hold Rosalie please" I ask and he does so

"She's human and I'm sorry but she's not just you're mate" I pause

"What else" Carlisle asks

"Tell me Edward have you met your blood singer yet?" I ask him

"No why would you...." His eyes go wide In realization to why I asked that

"What?" Asked Esme confused

"She's his blood singer as well as my adopted sister , Rosalie you might be cold to her, she might think that you hate her for the simple fact that she's human who shouldn't know of the supernatural " I say as I clasps my hands together and I close my eyes

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