Krone quickly ran up the stairs and to her bedroom and locked the door. After breathing heavily. Krone walked over to her doll and picked it up. Then a vein popped on her head then she ripped little johnny's head of.

"That woman!" Krone said then threw little Johnny's body on the ground and repeatedly stepped on it.

"Just you watch! I'll drag you down! And that little brat too!" Krone shouted. After she was done she started to laugh a little bit.

"And then... I will be Mom."

The next day Emma, Norman, Y/n, and Ray was doing the sheets.

"Emma, Y/n" Norman said. Y/n and Emma looked up at the silver haired male.

"Starting today, let's play tag in teams." Norman said. "In teams?" Y/n and Emma asked.

"At this rate, most of them would die if they escaped individually." Ray said.

"Hey, Ray." Emma started. "But everyone's movements aren't aren't bad." Ray said.

"We'll make formations and run away in teams." Norman said. Ray putted down the stick to help him with the sheets and turned around and motion Y/n to come. Y/n smiled and ran into his arms pushing her face into his chest.

Norman and Emma smiled at the scene until Ray spoke up. "We'll play tag in a way that's similar to what the real escape would be like."

"The real escape." Emma murmured. "And I have another Idea." Norman said.

Y/n lifted her head from Ray's chest to look at the albino and Emma and Ray turned to him.

"Let's tell Don and Gilda. We'll explain the situation and have them lead the teams." Norman said.

"But what if they're Mom's informant?" Ray asked. "No worries. Finding out who the informant is and also winning them over. I can do them simultaneously." Norman said then put a finger to his lips.

"And I've already made arrangements." Norman finished.

"Emma, Y/n." Ray said. Y/n lifted her head and looked up at Ray and Emma turned around.

"For now, I'll tell you guys 100 types of formation patters, so memorize them." Ray said. Y/n and Emma sweatdroped. "You mean by ear?" Y/n asked.

Ray cupped a hand on Y/n's cheek and smirked. "You can't do it?" Y/n blushed and smiled then looked at Emma. Emma gave a confident smile.

Y/n nodded and looked back up at Ray. "Easy peasy!"

There were now three teams.

1. Emma and Gilda

2. Norman and Don

3. Ray and Y/n

"Okay, try not to get caught for 10 minutes." Ray said then held up his hand.

"Start." Then Emma and Norman's team started running.

"Everyone, follow me!" Emma shouted. "Let's succeed and surprise Ray and Y/n!" Norman said.

Ray held Y/n's hand as he looked at his pocket watch. Lannion and Thoma looked at Y/n and Ray's hands and smirked. Thoma motion Lannion to go and bump Y/n. Lannion smirked and bumped Y/n then she got closer to Ray. Ray looked at her in surprise and smiled sweetly. Y/n blushed then gave a wobbly smile and looked at the ground to hide her blush. Ray looked at Y/n in worry but then shrugged it off.

Then Ray and Y/n's team started to run. After a little bit they were now chasing Norman and Don's teams. Then Norman held up his hand to half of his team. Then that half and Don went the other way. Ray and Y/n's team stopped. Ray looked at Y/n and smirked, Y/n nodded ad gave a smile.

Secrets are made, Promises are Kept, Love is born, and Queens are madeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum