Coastal Venture 1 Part 62

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Finding him sitting in the middle of a coil of hoses Coral smiled as she stepped over the hoses and sat down next to him, "They're assholes," she stated.

Snorting he kissed the side of her head, "Ain't no secret.  I do stupid shit," he stated.

"Yeah, and most times you have good outcomes," she quipped as he laughed, "Plus your heart is usually in the right place."

"That's because it's with you," he whispered.  Smiling she turned his head and kissed him, "Always," she promised.

"So, would now be a bad time to bring up you basically making out with Pope yesterday?" he questioned with a smirk.

"I was not making out with him!  I was saving his life," she retorted.

"I don't know I thought I saw some tongue being slipped in there," he teased.  Rolling her eyes she shook her head, "You're ridiculous.  You should know by now you're the only one for me."

"Yeah, I do," he confirmed, "I'm just fucking with you.  You know with my dad skipping out maybe I should talk to Shoupe about emancipation too.  If we're both emancipated we could get married then."

"Do you really think Luke is gone for good?"

"Seems like it," he responded with a shrug, "And even if he does come back it's not like I'd want to live with him anyway.  I was gone for months and he never came looking for me," he reminded her.

"True," she conceded, "Then yeah, you should talk to Shoupe because the faster I can change my last name the better."

"You know we're already hot and sweaty in here," he whispered twisting his fingers into her hair as he pulled her closer to kiss her.

"Excuse me!  Just a reminder you two are not alone in here," Kie reminded them loudly as she came down the aisle effectively breaking them apart.

Groaning JJ glared at her as she jumped up onto some of the cargo to sit above them, "You know you could take yourself off to the front of the container and leave the back to us."

"You are not fucking in this container with me in it!  It's bad enough you two fornicated in my mother's SUV."

"We did not!" Coral exclaimed wide eyed elbowing JJ when he snorted out a laugh.

"You two are like rabbits!"

"Oh my God!  I feel like we should just sit in silence until we need to go rescue the A team," Coral declared.

"I've been thinking," JJ said several minutes later unable to stand the silence between the three, "When this is all over, and we're rolling in the dough, we should get new boards and deck them out, and then go on a surf trip," he told Coral.

"Yeah?  Where are we gonna go?" she questioned.  

"I don't know where, but, like, the world's calling," he replied, "I don't know name a place

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"I don't know where, but, like, the world's calling," he replied, "I don't know name a place."


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