"How long are you gonna stay?"he didn't wanted to ask the question they all dreaded the answer to,but it was on his mind since the airport.He heard Tony sigh beside him.

"Don't worry I'm gonna stay for a whole week this time before going back to work,and I have a long list of what we are going to do."This caused everyone to brighten and relax.The brothers happily hugging in the back seat while the adults watched them with affection filled eyes.

It was greatest week of Peter's life


Peter was sixteen now,still living in the same hell that is his fathers house.He never called it home.The place you dreaded to go,make excuses to get away from,doing everything to spend the less time is not your home.It can't be.

Those thoughts were swimming in his brain as he was being stabbed by a broken beer bottle that was held by his enraged father.He was used to this situation but the reason behind it was enough to make Peter sob.He had made the wrongest decision of his life.Thinking Howard would accept him.

He had come out as bisexsual.

And it wasn't going good.

"So you decided to be a fucking fairy!I didn't raise you to be a faggot!And now you are crying you useless piece of shit.Don't act like a fucking baby.Here I was thinking that you would be worthy Stark after years of dicipline.Years!All that time for you to be a fucking disgrace."Those words made him sob harder and curl to himself.It felt like with every word his heart was being crushed more and more.He never cared what Howard thought about him but there was always a little child in him that wanted nothing more than acceptance and love from the man.

The broken shards were cutting his face now,digging.Under his eye,on his nose,on his lips,cheeks,forehead.It was everywhere,blocking his sight.He felt kicks being thrown,punches landing,glass breaking.And more pain.

I'm sorry

It was the last thing on his mind before everything went black.

I'm sorry.I'm sorry for making you upset.I'm sorry for not being good enough.I'm sorry for being like this.I'm sorry you have to put up with me.I'm sorry that I have to live with you.I'm sorry for never reaching out to someone.I'm sorry for letting it get this violent.I'm sorry for the years I lost.And I'm sorry for you.


He was standing next to a young woman,riding up to elevator.Thanks to Jarvis he was alive.The man had called the police after seeing Howard nearly beating him to death.He was now locked in a prison cell.The police had called child survices after getting him to the hospital.That was two weeks ago and he couldn't be more thankful to Jarvis.He had already said it to the man but he had just answered with how he was like a son to him and couldn't bear the pain he was suffering.

The woman was a nice lady and he was trusting her a little by now.Her name was Summer and she always had this calm,caring are around her.She had taken care of him since the hospital.She had visited him everyday,telling every detail in his file.Now they were on their way to the common room.

To say he was nervous would be an understatement.He hands were shaking on his sides and he felt like he couldn't get enough air in his lungs.The last time he had seen Tony was three years ago.He didn't know what his brother would think of him.Would he be dissapointed?Angry?Or was he going to be like Howard?

He knew Tony would never do that but he couldn't help the voices in his head shouting at him to run,hide and never come out.After nine years of listening to them he couldn't help but agree.Before he could change his decision the doors opened with a little ding sound.Summer turned to him and smiled,gesturing him to step out.He carefully walked with her to the middle of the room.There was Tony pacing,looking anxious.On the big couches was the team all having different expressions.Some was trying to calm Tony down while others chatted around themselves.

Summer cleared her throat the noise making everyone to stop and look at them.The sudden attention made Peter curl into himself,and look down at his shoes.He could feel Tony's eyes bore into head but made no move to look up.

"Hello I'm Summer,we talked on the phone.It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Stark.I've already informed you Peter's situation and you can call me whenever you have questions.I suggest you take things slow to not overwhelm him."Peter was relieved that she got the attention off of him.But he didn't want her to go,leaving him in a room filled with strangers.

"Yes,nice to meet you too Ms.Stone.Thank you for taking care of Peter.At first I didn't know what to do but the phone call helped,so thank you again."Despite his manners Tony looked like he was gonna pass out.

"Your welcome,I have to leave now so you could get to know each other.Call me if anything makes you uncomfortable okay Peter?"Peter looked up the first time since he came in.She was looking apologetic but he knew she couldn't stay forever.

"Okay,I will."This brought a little smile on her face and she nodded,walking out the room.The silence was not helping his anxiety,it was so awkward he wanted to scracth his own skin.He could see Tony's mouth opening and closing several times,trying to find something to say.The others were looking at him with curiousity,and Peter felt like if something doesn't happen in the next two minutes he will riot.

"Well uhm good to see you Pete."Of course this would leave Tony's mouth.Peter could see Steve smacking him and giving a lecture in harsh whispers.Tony looked scared out of his mind.

A giggle was heard,cutting Steve's speech.Everyone turned to see Peter chuckling to himself,he was trying to be quiet by pressing a hand on his mouth but it wasn't working.The sight made their nerves calm down.

Peter couldn't help himself,all he could think was the PSA's he had watched at school.And the pure horror on his brother's face only made it better.He had seen the same expression on the other students faces.

Once he had gotten himself together he found everyone looking at him with smiles,normally this would have made him uncomfortable but his mind was full of images with the Captain America giving him 'the eyebrows of dissapointment'.

He straightened his back and crossed his arms over his chest,trying to copy Steve.He cleared his throat and looked at Mr.America in the eye.

"So you decided to smack your friend on the head."He could never forget the way Cap's eyes widen comically and all the color leaving his face.Everyone was looking between them confused.This time he couldn't hold it and bursted out laughing.Clutching his stomach and dropping to floor,he was laughing histerically.

Tony watched as his brother wiggled on the floor.He knew what he had gone through,Howard wanted to do the same thing to him but he was lucky and got a scolarship at MIT,going far away.But Peter never came to his mind,he always looked so happy and always had an explanation for the scars.He never thought about his father doing much more worse to him.He felt so guilty for not spending more time with his baby brother,for not noticing the odd things Peter would do.

But as he was standing there watching Peter and the team laugh together at Cap's videos,he figured something.

He had found his family.



I don't really like this but here you go.

At first I was like 'make it angsty I need sadness' but then it changed to 'nonono our little baby had already went through a lot add some sweet' but then it returned to angst so I don't know what this really is





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