Maybe she was planning on using him the same way that Maisy had intended to. Dating the football captain was apparently a common trick to jump the ladder of popularity. Too bad for Ivy, this football captain was not as thick headed as she had assumed.

He replied carefully. He didn’t want to get on her bad side, unsure of how dark this girl really was. If she was gathering forces to overthrow Maisy then what was stopping her from trying to instate Leon as football captain when she did it. It wasn’t too much of a stretch.

                Wish I could but I’m busy tonight. Maybe another time. - Asher

He knew that it was a misleading message that he was sending.

Asher looked up from his phone to see that the blonde girl was still talking to him. He wondered if she had even noticed his utter lack of attention and then dismissed it. She obviously didn’t.

He looked around the kitchen to see if he knew anyone who he could distract her with but came up short. There were only two other people in the room, a girl and guy who were very obviously a couple. They were sharing whispers in the corner of the room with half empty glasses slung in their hands. He decided that they probably weren’t going to be the ones who saved him. In fact, he wished that it was he and Danny being the cliché couple at a party. He imagined that his interest level in the party would rise tenfold if it was Danny who was talking to him, their hands intertwined and maybe even a kiss here and there between quiet whispers of secrets and loud laughs of happiness. Yet, here he was in reality with a girl who may have even been a nice chick if she had any concept of self-awareness.  

Amanda chose this moment to walk into the kitchen to get a refill of her drink and Asher was infinitely grateful as he sent her a look that pled for help. At first she looked back with some confusion until her eyes flickered over to the girl with the never ending legs and her expression changed. She seemed half amused as she walked straight over to them and immediately came to his rescue.

‘Candy, your sister’s looking for you,’ she chimed in as the girl, apparently named Candy, was speaking. Asher didn’t second guess the name.

Candy stopped speaking and turned her eyes to Amanda, ‘Oh,’ Candy’s gaze shifted and she smiled at Asher cheerfully, ‘I’ll see you around! It was good talking to you!’

Candy turned and walked away, her blonde hair swinging behind her. The moment that she was out of earshot he smiled appreciatively at Amanda. ‘Thank-you so much for saving me.’

Amanda laughed, ‘Don’t mention it. Candy and her sister are harmless, they just don’t have much when it comes to intelligence or social graces.’

‘I don’t doubt that,’ he muttered, sipping at his can.

Amanda’s red hair was pulled to the top of her head in a messy bun and she was dressed much more casually than she had the last time they had seen each other. She had a beer in her own hand that matched the one in Asher’s.

‘I’ve had so many pointless introductory conversations tonight, I feel like the new kid at school,’ Asher told her. It wasn’t that they were really friends but he knew her more than he knew the majority of the people at the party and that had to count for something. She also had this vibe that came off of her in waves, no judgement it read. She was carefree and just had an overall calm vibe that Asher could get used to.

Amanda nodded understandably. ‘We have all been friends for so long they are probably just interested in the new face. Once you come to a few more of these things it will be easier.’

He had promised Danny to come back here with him as much as they could and he didn’t plan on backing out of that. ‘I hope so,’ he replied.

There was a casual silence for a few seconds where they both just listened to the music around them. Amanda glanced at the couple who were now making out against the pantry door with amused ease and Asher guessed that this was not an irregular occurrence. She turned her gaze away and brought her drink to her lips.

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