"What!" he blurted looking from her to the baby then back.  Cause this had to be a fucking joke right.

   "Jane or as you know her Reena being the mother.  Perky connected those dots.  Sweet Butt you were favoring about 8-10 months ago.  Stripper. " B informed and in the back of his mind he could kind of picture the women.  But if the kid was mine why hadn't she said anything.

   "What!" came out of his mouth a second time and bless the laughing asshole behind him.

  "Babe, he's in shock.  Let it process a bit before you dig in K" Ripper offerred going to his old lady to give her a kiss before taking the car seat from her and headed back to the booth. 

  "Fine.  Crow have the guys bring in the stuff then call Doc.  I want him to give her a once over please" Brinn asked her soon to be Delta while Switch just stood there.  Seeing he was struggling her face softened as did her voice "Hun, you have a beautiful little girl.  We got you okay" she asured reaching up to cup his cheek gently "It'll be okay" she said like it was a promised and unknotted the ball of panic in his chest.

  "Im a father" he whispered out testing the words "Ember is mine" he then said and damn if it didnt feel right.  "I'm a father" he said more strongly turning towards the table only to freeze again as he saw Lizzy just inside the door.

  "You what?" she questioned looking between the baby now in Ripper's arms, Brinn and himself.  Then she turned before he could get his brain and body on the same track.

  "Go meet your daughter.  I got Lizzy" Brinn ordered then going the bar grabbed a bottle before heading for the door. "Crow track down Sin for me please" she called out then started running.


    All day she'd gone through the routine motions nervous as hell about the talk her and Cole needed to have.  By end of day she'd been a nervous wreck but then B got called away.  So she'd had to lock up the shop and she'd kept missing things.  Which had lead to tripple checking before she's finally been able to head home. 

   The whole ride home she'd mentally been rehearsing what she was going to say.  Then she'd walked in to her guy saying he was a father.  And honest to god she'd been ready to hunt down and maim Doc until she'd connected the scene inside.  And the realization that the baby in Ripper's arms was the child he meant.  Not the one she carried.

   Horror at what was about to play out she'd turned chicken and fled.  Like seriously how could this be playing out this way.  How did you process your baby daddy already having a mistery kid he'd never told you about.  Hello Jerry Springer much.

   "Lizzy.....slow down" she heard B call out but she kept going to the field behind the clubhouse to the only play equipment.  Only yesterday she's been considering talking to B about having it updated.  The thought being for her child, Brinn's future children.
Fuck she hadn't even told B she was pregnant yet.

    Seeing the bottle Brinn held up was just the final bit to crack her.  Manic laughter that quickly turned into sobs when she realized she couldnt even drink her way through this mess.  Booze was her copeing tool and she couldnt touch the shit for another seven and a half months.  Fuck.

   Sinking down onto the grass she sobbed as Brinn wrapped around her. 

   "Liz, he didnt know babe.  The sweet butt never told him." B kept repeating but finally it took hold and helped pull her back.

   "He didnt know?" she quiestioned then listened as Brinn told her all that had happened right down to the note and birth certificate.  Staring out into the field she processed it, let it settle in her mind. 

   Feeling jelousy creepy into her thought regarding Cole's daughter she squashed that shit fast.  Not the little ones fault that her daddy was a slut before meeting her.  And that was a fact.  The baby had been concieved well before Cole even knew her.  He was still a slut but the situation wasnt his fault.  Damn him.

  "Im pregnant B.  Was going to tell Cole I mean Switch tonight." she confessed looking at her best friend and saw the news hit. 

  "But Doc...birth control...pull out game"B stuttered out

   " Doc waited a week to prego test me right before my period. Didnt feel comfortable giving me a shot if there was a chance I was pregnant.  Well guess what...two fucking lines.  Confirmed by blood work." liz explained suddenly really tired. "I cant tell him now while he's still processing his daughter" she added knowing it really wasnt the right time.  She's missed her window over the last six weeks.

   "No but cant wait to long either.  Give him a week to let it sink in for you both.  Ember needs a mum Liz.  If you love him that person she needs is you." B stated and that answer was easy.

   "Call up the lawyer.  I want the birth mother tracked down and her to sign off on all parental rights.  I'll talk to Doc about a paternity test." she voiced her thoughts then stood up.  "Next time bring ice cream" she stated pointing to the bottle of whisky.

  "Will do. Now lets go meet your daughter"

Blood Wolves Old Ladies (2)Baby Makes FourWhere stories live. Discover now