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(The Prologue is Lizbeth's and Switch POV and takes place the same Day as Inked Epilogue.)

    With the foundation set work had finally started on the new clubhouse.  Sitting to the back of the property the place was going to be a monster in size.  Three levels, two of which spit into 45 bedrooms with the lower level being one giant bar. Also a larger meeting room to hold church. He and Ripper had agreed on the floor plan then showed the club who'd voted to start the build.

   The old clubhouse would become more family friendly for the officers and their families.  They'd attempted to switch over the kitchen too but the girls had cut that idea down.  Queen B outright refused to give up her current kitchen and Liz , Sin and Cindy had been right there backing her.

    At the thought of Liz, Switch couldnt hold back the grin he now wore while strapping on his tool belt.  Like every brother he was putting in time on the build to keep the cost down.  Just twenty minutes ago he'd been wrapped around his little firecracker.  And yes she was his. 

    Before she'd entered his bed Switch had already been protective of the little redhead.   Hearing what her and B went though had started it.   Getting to know the fiesty yet still sweet women she was had just pulled him deeper in.  Being her first had just sealed the deal even it she hadnt fully come around to the idea yet.

    This morning while getting ready for work she'd asked to have a sit down talk.  All he could figure is that she wanted to make things official like her best friend/sister had with Ripper.  I mean isnt that how girls worked.  Follow the leader kind of thing.  Not sure what else they need to discuss Switch went to work glad he'd already ordered her cut.

    Sweat dripping...well basically everywhere in the South Carolina heat.  It had just passed four in the afternoon when Ripper apeared calling for him to get his ass to the clubhouse.  Heading over to where his Prez waited he expected some kind of explaination.  Instead Rip started heading towards the clubhouse.

   "Dude! What's going on?" he questioned

    "Not sure.  Got told to track your ass down by my old lady.  Said she'd meet up here" Ripper finally answered and instantly his brain went to Liz.  Had something happened. 

   "Did you check in with Crow?" he ground out trying to keep himself calm. 

   "Tried.  Went to voicemail before he texted he'd been gag ordered by his Queen.  You know that guy is loyal to my little B.  Didnt have the heart to put him in the dog house with her." Rip answered going around the bar to grab them both a beer then leading the way to one of the booths.
Anyway B would have told me if something happened so cool your freak out.  I'm sure Lizzy's just fine" Ripper asured taking a seat and downing half his beer in one gulp.

   "Talking about Crow, what do you think about making him the clubs Delta.  Guys really stepped it up since the girls arrived.  Watched over your old lady like a hawk" he offered up to break the silence and distract them as they waited.

  "The tital fits in with wolves.  We'd be the first but can't see the other chapters having an issue with it.  Soul role as protecter of the exec old ladies.  Ya I like it." Ripper agreed then talked about running it past Demon.

   Ripper was just about to make the call when they heard the bikes and B's truck pull into the yard.  Going to grab three more beer he was headed back to the table when Brinn entered.  In her arms a car seat and her eyes zero'd in on him.

   "Cole Mulligan" she stated stopping me dead in my tracks.  Only a few knew my birth given name.  Only Ripper and Wrecker the clubs tech nerd knew his surname. "Delivery made to Perky's this afternoon.  Meet your daughter Ember" she offered turning the car seat to show a really tiny baby girl.

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