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"Lis, Lis! Wake up, you've got to get ready." My actual name is Elisabeth, Lis is just one of my nicknames, and today is the last day of my summer break. My mother is trying to wake me up because it's true, I have to get ready.

Today is the day that I meet the principal of an extremely high-class school that I applied for earlier in the summer. If all goes well, I will attend Abigail's School of Advanced Training, named after the founder of the school. It's a charter school on the outskirts of London. The name may sound a bit odd, and it's true the school isn't completely "normal". My mother has informed me of a lot over the summer, including the fact that she also went to Abigail's.

Long story short, the school is for youths in grades nine through twelve in order to prepare them for becoming some of England's most well-trained MI5(Security Service) and MI6(Secret Intelligence Service).
My mother is currently part of the Security Service and knows nine different languages. She also knows numerous martial arts. She told me she learned it all from Abigail's.

Anyways, I have to get out of bed and prepare to meet the principal. Her name also happens to be Abigail. Abigail Legato. As I climb out of bed, I remind myself to call her Madam Legato. I can smell pancakes my mother cooked. Sweet, homemade. I rush downstairs to eat, because it's 6 in the morning and so must be at the school meet Madam Legato at 7 on the dot or earlier, otherwise I will not be allowed in.

My mother didn't talk much over breakfast, but I suppose it's because she's rushing also.

It felt like time just whizzed on by because soon enough, it was 6:30. The school is about 20 minutes away, but my mother wants the extra ten minutes in case a "situation pops up". The ride from home seemed pretty smooth until we were almost at the school. There was a two car accident, which happened at the side of the road, not on. However, traffic is slowed. For some reason this annoys me. Everyone trying to get somewhere gets slowed by others who stop to stare and look at an accident. Anyways, we end up getting at the school at 6:57, meaning we had three minutes to spare.

Elisabeth Winters: First ImpressionWhere stories live. Discover now