The Wolf Stage Part 2

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Narrator: While the kids played Moonsoul smelled something in the air.

Moonsoul: Oh uh. *gets up and runs and feels the darkness coming out* I must get away. *knocks down a tree*

Alpha Luna: *hears a tree fall down and gets up and saw that Moonsoul was gone and walks over to Daisy* Sweetie where is your father?

Daisy: No mother, we were playing with the babies and our friend.

Moonsoul: *howls*

Alpha Luna: *hear Moonsouls howls*

Daisy: *hears the howls to and recognize them* Oh no not again. I need to give father his berries.

Alpha Luna: Yes, you go get them, and I'll stay here with the rest.

Daisy: Okay mother, i'll be back as soon as i can.

Moonsoul: *runs back to the den and bumps into Luna and growls at her*

Daisy: *Runs to get the berries and grabs a handful of them*

Alpha Luna: Hurry Daisey, we really need them now.

Moonsoul: *growls and snaps at her*

Daisy: I'm on my way mother. *runs even faster* Here mother, *hands her the handful of berries*.

Alpha Luna: Here dear take this, this should help. *reaches out to give him one*

Moonsoul: *growls*

Daisy: Come on father, we love you and we can't keep losing you. What happens if this happened to you and we aren't there? We need you.

Moonsoul: *looks at Daisy and eats one of the berries and falls down*

Alpha Luna: That was sweet Daisy, nice job sweetheart.

Daisy: Thanks mother, *looks up and smiles*

Moonsoul: W-what happened.

Alpha Luna: *looks at Daisy and smiles*

Daisy: Father, *runs up and hugs him* Yay father is back.

Alpha Luna: Yay, he is back, thank goodness.

Moonsoul: *gets up but falls down*

Alpha Luna: * runs to him* Let's take you inside and lay down, it's getting late.

Daisy: Yeah it is *yawns* Sorry friends, I got to go. Come on Twilight, Princess, and Firestorm. * grabs them and takes then inside*.

Wolf Stage Moonsoul Edition The Light and The Dark©Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum