Chapter 12

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No ones pov

As Deku took a bite of the warm bread his face converted into a smile. He quickly scarfed down the bread, put the plate on the table and grabbed the warm mug. Inside was a muddy looking liquid that he had never seen before, cautiously he took a sip. A warm, sweet  feeling flooded through him as he sipped the unknown liquid.

 "What is this? I like it." Deku whispers to himself, but Aizawa hears him.

"It's hot chocolate. Have you never had it before?" Aizawa asks slightly shocked.

"No. I haven't." Deku states in a calm voice before chugging down the rest of the drink and putting it on the table beside the plate.

Not even a minute later the sound of the front door opening and loud footsteps is heard coming into the room spoiling the whole atmosphere.

"Hey Shota I'm home!" A loud middle-aged man yells as he runs into the room effectively scaring Deku.

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