"alright, are you going to stay there with him then?" minx asked.

"i didn't think about that yet. but maybe if he allows me to, then yeah. if he doesn't then i'll just find a hotel."

"if you say so. just ask him for hotels. i know some but i'm not really sure about them so he probably knows about hotels since he lives here his whole life. there could be some near his apartment." niki said and jasmine just nodded.

after a few minutes, they arrived at george's apartment. the three of them stepped out of the car to grab jasmine's luggage.

"i'm sorry i chose george over you guys." jasmine laughed. the other two just rolled their eyes. "i'll hang out with you guys tomorrow i promise."

"it's alright. i have spare room in my apartment but i haven't furnished it yet and george probably has one." niki said as they all walk to george's door.

"yeah, i don't have a spare room either. it's fine." minx said and they arrived at george's door shortly. "we'll leave now. take some rest 'kay?"

jasmine nodded and smiled. the two gave her a kiss on the cheek, which she returned, kissing them both on their cheeks as well.

the two left her and she sighed, pressing the doorbell. she stood awkwardly, waiting for an answer. george eventually opened the door, expecting a food delivery.

"hi." jasmine smiled at him. george stared at her, eyes wide and mouth open. he's wearing a black tee and gray sweatpants, the back of his long hair was a mess while he's wearing a headband to swoop his front hair.

"what the fuck." was all he blurted out. seconds later, pulling the girl into a tight hug. "what the- frick are you doing here?!" he smiled, audibly. jasmine rested her chin on his shoulders, hugging him back tightly.

after a whole minute of just hugging each other, they pulled away, george rushed to pull her suitcase in while jasmine just laughed at him.

"we need to talk." george said as he plopped down excitedly on his couch, gesturing her to sit down next to him as well.

jasmine sat with him and was rained with questions. "okay, okay. chill. slow down. one by one."

george sighed and rolled his eyes. "when did you come here?"

"i just arrived. i was picked up by minx and nik-"

"what?! i thought you were gonna visit me first!" george cut her off.

"yeah but i wanna surprise you, duh. plus so i don't have to pay for a taxi. be thankful they both let me visit you idiot. i didn't even get to come to their house."

"do you have a place to stay?" george asked her, leaning his head on the back of the couch, his left arm was around jasmine but rested on the couch.

"no, not yet. i can check in a hotel though. do you know any?"

"you can stay at my place. here, i'll bring your stuff to the guest room." and by that, he grabbed jasmine's luggage to the room she'll stay in.

"are you sure? i mean i don't wanna be a burden." jasmine followed behind, bringing her bag.

"of course. feel yourself at home. you'll never be a burden, jas. you can do whatever you want here." jasmine smiled.

george switched on the light which reveals a cozy bedroom. jasmine looked around, smiling. she looked back at george who was staring at her. "thank you george, really. you don't have to do this."

"it's fine." george smiled fondly. "you can unpack now, i'll be in the living room."

jasmine didn't unpack but she grabbed some clothes and some toiletries. she went in the bathroom to wash herself and change into some comfortable shirt and shorts.

she walked out of the room to find george who was on his phone on the couch. george looked her way as he heard the door open.

"is it okay if i sleep? i'm really tired." george chuckled at her and nodded.

"of course. you don't have to ask for permission idiot. but my room's next door. call me when you need anything." jasmine smiled at him and nodded. "goodnight jas."

"goodnight george." and she went back in and laid down on the bed. comfortable enough to fall asleep minutes later.

 comfortable enough to fall asleep minutes later

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notes !

please correct me if i was wrong with the timezone last chap lmaooo i really had no idea how flying plus timezone works and tried to google it but i'm still confused 😅

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