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Name: Richard John Grayson

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Name: Richard John Grayson

Aliases/Alter Ego: Robin (the first Boy Wonder), Red X (temporarily), Nightwing (currently)

Family: Grayson Family (biological), Wayne Family (adopted)

Birthday: March 20th (year variable in comics/movies) but he has a lot of unbirthdays too.

Zodiac: Pisces

Personality Type: ENFP (The Campaigner)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Skin Color: Fair

Height: variable (in canon, he's said to be 5'10")

Alignment: Good

Teams: Bat vigilantes, Young Justice, Teen Titans, Titans, Justice League (temporarily), The Outsiders (temporarily).

Skills and Abilities: Acrobatics, Agility, Dexterity, Durability, Endurance, Peak Human Condition, Master Martial Artist, Stealth, High Reflexes, Marksmanship, Indomitable Will, Hacking skills. 

Preferred Weapon: Bo Staff and Escrima Sticks

Known Trainers: Batman

Occupation: Student at Gotham Academy (initially), detective at Bludhaven Police (currently)

Origin Story: (variable in comics, following excerpt taken from )

Dick Grayson was a twelve-year-old Romany circus acrobat, the youngest of a family act called The Flying Graysons of The Haley Circus. Dick joined the act at a very young age, having been trained in acrobatics from birth. Before one appearance in Gotham, in which The Flying Graysons were the main attraction, they were asked to pose for a photo opportunity with the Drake Family, including their young son Tim Drake. From that time on Tim's one and only hero in the world was Dick.

While on tour in Gotham City, he overheard "Boss" Tony Zucco, a well-known and feared crime-lord, threaten the performers unless the circus's owner paid extortion money. The owner refused, and that night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. Young Dick felt responsible, because he didn't warn his parents in time.

Shortly after the tragedy, as shown in Batman: Year Three and Year One Annual: Robin, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, on the grounds that social services was full. He got beaten up by a number of the inmates, and he was later sent to a Catholic orphanage. Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him as his ward, because the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire. 

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