Sunday 26th September 99

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Draco abruptly sat up, ignoring the pain piercing his skull. He was in a bed, in the Hospital Wing, and the clock before him indicated 11AM. He checked himself, happy to realise that his ears and tails were perfectly disillusioned. "Probably Hermione's doing." He sighed of relief at the thought before a suffocating fear took over him.

"Harry." He whispered to himself. "Where's Harry?"

His breathing started to accelerate and he found himself to be hyperventilating soon enough. Panic was taking over him. The curtains drawn around his bed were abruptly opened by a worried Madam Pomfrey.

"Mr. Malfo-"

"It's Black now." Draco growled.

"Oh, yes, sorry. How do you feel, Mr. Black?"

He took a deep breath, calming down, and ignored her question. "Where's Harry?"

"Mr. Potter is still sleeping. When Mr. Weasley, Ms. Granger and Ms. Parkinson brought you two here, he was totally out of magical power. It will take him some time to recover." She sighed, shaking his head. "Why does he always need to be so reckless."

Draco smile softly. "That's how he is, isn't it? Can I see him?"

She inspected him with a frown before slowly nodding. "Before that I must ask you, what training were you doing for you two to end up like that? You were okay, I think you just fainted from exhaustion but, Mr. Potter... Was in a very rough state."

"Oh, hum, it was a hand combat training where we used our magic to cover our bodies to avoid getting hurt. I'm used to it so I was able to control my magic correctly but Harry wasn't... He's stronger than me physically, that's why it got so tiring."

She scowled at him before nodding again and he slowly got up, trying to forget about the aches running trough his whole body. He managed to drag himself to a chair next to Harry's bed where he heavily sat. He took Harry's hand, caressing it softly, murmuring apologies. After a couple of minutes, he decided to lay his head on the edge of the bed and when he opened his eyes, the clock was indicating 4PM already. A gentle hand was running trough his hair and he abruptly straightened up at the realisation.

"You're awake." He breathed, tears rising.

Harry answered with a soft smile, opening his arms. "Come here."

Draco threw himself on him, letting his quiet sobs get out. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." He kept murmuring. "If only I had been stronger... I'm so sorry."

"Hey, stop." Harry whispered in his neck, making him shiver. "We're both alright aren't we? There's nothing to apologise for."

"There is, you had no magical power left but I did, I should've used more, you could've- You could've..."

"But I'm alright, we both are. Now," he slowly moved away, "show me this beautiful face of yours."

Draco shyly looked up, meeting bright and smiling green eyes, as a warm hand was cupping his cheek. Tears rose again. Before they could fall and roll on his cheeks, plumped lips crushed against his own. He warmly welcomed the kiss, slightly opening his mouth to let Harry's tongue enter and play with his. Slowly, his Kitsune dominance took over as he was teasingly pulling Harry's hair and biting his lip, causing him to moan softly.

"That's not good." Harry murmured, breathless. "You're making me want you in such unholy ways."

Red as a beet, Draco moved away. Strong hands immediately caught him, one in his neck and the other one in his lower back, and his and Harry's lips were joined again, their tongues dancing. Harry broke the kiss, only to drop a kiss on his commissures, then on his cheeks, slowly descending on his jaw until he was in his neck, which he started to lick and bite softly, leaving pink marks and wet trails. As Draco was pulling his hair and softly moaning for more, he moved away.

Kitsune no Yobi (狐の呼び)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant