A Princess's Plea

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Hyrule Castle and Hyrule Castle Town were in Ruins, overflowing with Corrupted Guardians, blasting down anything in their path, searching for the remaining Hylians, the remaining Corrupted Guardians that were stationed at the castle were launching lasers out of control as Calamity Ganon ran around the castle, however, near Fort Hateno, a golden glow emitted, causing another golden glow to shine within the castle, there, in Princess Zelda's secret study, a small guardian awoke, pushing the lid off the box it was in, the guardian, Terrako, began wiggling until the box fell sideways, he was free, Terrako jumped to the window, opening it up, seeing the destruction around Hyrule, and hearing a voice

"I must protect... everyone",

hearing this plea, Terrako played both a familiar, yet unfamiliar song, then, a blue portal appeared, as Terrako prepared to jump in, he was spotted by a Corrupted Guardian, it was trying to make its way to the small Guardian, but couldn't fit through the door, targeting him, Terrako quickly jumped toward the portal, dodging the laser, and entering the portal, before the portal could close, malice followed behind it, then the portal closed.

A Tale of the Champions... a diminutive Guardian who travelled backward through time... and the Great Calamity they faced.

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