Chapter 2

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AN/ Domo!! I finally got time to write this! Hope u enjoy!!!
Honestly, I didnt think I could get in the company. My body is perfect and slim, but with me being a student and all that was kinda tugging my back. But, they accepted me! The envelope contained an ID, letter of acceptance, staff manual, and a letter from my will-be maneger. He says that Im the shortest guy there and that my body was slightly feminene, so I should watch out for the gay models. Pfft. As if I would let people touch me. "Come on March, 9th, to the subway station. Be there by 10:00 am. Ill be at the ticket post." Thats the last part of the letter.

"Thats tommorrow. And a Saturday. " I mutter outloud. I look at the time again and scramble around, cleaning. It was pretty late, so I brushed my teeth, changed into my pjs, and kissed plush toy Haru on the head Good Night.

I sleep, fantisizing about how my life as a model will be...

-next day, morning-
I yawn loudly and sit up in my bed. "Its to early" I mumble to myself and sit up. The sun is gently shining down on me as I walk on to my blacony, still in my pjs and a toothbrush in my mouth. I feel like there is something that I need to do...

"Oh yeah!" I yell outloud. Today was my first day modeling! I glance at the time on my phone and gasp. 9:25! Im gonna be late!! I quickly brush my teeth and turn on the coffee pot. I change out of my PJs into my casual clothes. I grab my backpack and grab a energy bar. The coffee has finished, so I pour it into a thermos and place it into my bag. I lock up and zoom out, running to the station.

I arrive at the station by 9:50, which was ten minutes early. I sit on a bench and eat my "breakfast". I finish half of my coffee so I begin to walk towards the ticket post. There's a man there, in a nice suit and glancing at his watch.
"Umm. Hello?" i call out to the man.
He looks up and smiles raidiantly. "Are you Riki Takashi?"
"Y-yes." I stutters as I realize his towering height. Also because Im not good with new people. Im shy around new people.
"Then please come with me, Riki-sama."

I follow him to the subway, for he had already bought the tickets. "I-Ill pay y-you back, Mr...."
"Mr. Yamasaki. Ah, you dont need to pay me back. Its fine." he assures.
"T-thank you Mr.Yamasaki."
"Hey! No need to be afraid! Its not like I'm going to eat you up or something." He laughs and pats my back.

We arrive at our stop and step out. As soon as we get out from the underground station, I see a HUMOUNGOUS building. It was at least a block wide and 50 stories high. I gaze at it in awe and ask,"I-is t-that where I'm g-going to work?"
Mr.Yamasaki chuckles at my frightened and amazed look. "Yes, little one."
I blush 10 shades of red and look down. I didnt feel offended, just embarrased.

We go in and I am greeted with an AC cooled lounge. The woman at the front desk notices Mr. Yamasaki and bows politly. "Ohayo gojaimas, Mr.Yamasaki. Who might this young gentleman here be?"
"Ah, Ms.Yang, ohayo. This lad here will begin to work here as a model starting today." he replied.
Ms.Yang nods and points to a corridor, not being nosy. "The director asked for you once you were here." she said.
"Aligato, Ms.Yang." he says and walks down the corridor, with me trailing behind.

We arrive in front of a door with a sign saying, DIRECTOR TAKESHI. So his name is Mr.Takeshi, eh?

We walk in and I notice that the arua in here is kind of... well, scary. The director is sitting on his desk, facing the computer. He was THE most beautiful man I had ever seen. Keeping my poker face, I admire his face. Mr.Yamasaki speaks. "Mr.Director, I have brought the new model."
The director simply glances at him and speaks. "Riki Takashi, was it?" He asks.

"H-hai, Mr.Tadashi." I stumble over my words.

"...Are you a virgin?"

What is he asking? My face heats up and I blush, thinking of how to answer. "U-um... f-fifty p-percent v-v-virgin, s-sir." An answer finally makes its way out.

Mr.Tadashi looks at me, amused.
"Mr.Yamasaki, you may leave now." he tells Mr.Yamasaki.
He goes without hesitaion, with a glimpse of "I'm sorry" in his eyes.

Oh great. Now Im alone with the director, who it seems that everyone fears.

"Come here."
I obey.

"What did you mean by fifty percent virgin?" He asked, a little too close.

I blush and hesitantly tell the truth."I-im working p-part time as a m-male s-stripper." and blush even more.

"Oh~~?" He purrs amusingly. "Then, lets begin our first lesson as a model, Riko."


Hi guys! I left this lovley cliff-hanger! The unexpected happens... dundundun!!!

I hope u enjoyed and hope to seenu in the next chapter!!

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