the call

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*Padgett grunts*

*Me and mom knock on her door*

Mom:Padgett,You feeling okay? Missing school today?

Padgett:Mom I'm fine
I just wanna be alone

Y/n:Not even if im here

Mom:I went through all the trouble of putting in a bowl wuth milk *She says opening Padgett bilnds*

Y/n:Lucky charms mom?

Mom:I know its not what u or Padgett eat anymore but it cheered u guys up when u were eight

Padgett:Look I'm just not hungry okay?

Mom:Suit yourself *Mom starts eating it*Hmm wow the marshmellows I forgot about the marshmellows


Mom:Give me a break ive been eating mueslix for ten years
Look girls I do know that breakups are hard especially your first

Y/n:Ive never had a boyfriend

Padgett:Its not just the breakup

Y/n:Mom We were humiliated

Mom:how did u loose followers?

Y/n:U dont wanna know

Padgett:What the he'll did u do

Y/n:Slapped him and kicked him where the sun didnt shine🌈



Mom:Anyways I know that id feels like the absolute end of the world now but I can promise u with absolute certainty that it will get better

Padgett:Well when

Mom:Three months maybe a year five tops
Even if its just me you and y/n for the rest of our lives
We get a couple of twin beds,fierce matching jumpsuits,a dozen more cats it would be great

*My phone starts ringing*

Mom:Think about it

*I answer it was Quinn I set my phone on the phone older thing Padgett uses for her lives*

Quinn:We missed u at dance practise

Y/n:sorry I saw u called me and padgett kinda just been -

Quinn:Avoiding life?Can't say I blame u

Padgett:Why did I have to go live and why did alden keep recording

Quinn:Because u always go live and Alden must have been in shock

Y/n:Yeah well at least everyone got to see what an dick Jordan is

Quinn:Yeah I guess

Y/n:U guess

Quinn:No!I mean yes,your totally right.yes

Y/n:Q,whats going on

Quinn:Nothing I guess I havent been online havent u?


Y/n:Oh no

Quinn:Who is it?


Y/n:Jessica,hi whats up

Jessica:U and padgett are going viral on the wrong way

Padgett:Okay so I saw the video and while it is unfortunate..

Jessica:Unfortunate?My ex-husband hiking accident was unfortunate and he was mauled by bears

Y/n:Omg is her ok?

Jessica:Better than you guys,but honey I get it I can sympathize,you were betrayed,mistreated,humiliated

Padgett:So I do understand?

Jesscica:Of course the difference is you completely lost it in front of,like a lot of people you to y/n

Y/n:What did I do??

Jessica:y/n u know trending as the #dontcheatonmysister

y/n:Oh come on of course im gonna do it and jordan is a asswhole

Padgett:Anyways I know

Jessica:According to my assistant,217,463.Look we pay you girls beacaue you're the makeover twins.People buy products that you recommend

Y/n:And were still that girls

Jessica:No guys are memes and mucus is just not on-brand for us but im sure you girls can get another endorsement maybe with an antihistamine company

Padgett:So wait you're a pulling my sponsorship?

Jesscica:Listen people want head to toe paddget,y/n not head to nose

Y/n:I know we lost a lot of followers but we can get them back i just need a chance to reedem myself thats all

Jesscica:Sweeties I am your biggest supporter no has faith more than i do in you guys but until things turn around dont talk to me love ya

*She ends the call*

Y/n:Fuck her Padgett we'll get our followers back dont worry we can do this without her


Part 2 set

Word count: 634



He's all that✨🌈حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن