HOO meets The Potatoes (Aru Shah)

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So I'm gonna have this conversation with the charcters and introduce them to each other so lets just refer to me as Shadow. Ok, lets begin. Enjoy!

Shadow: Hiiiiiii!
Aru: Why are we here?
Mini: Yeah! And who are they? Is this place sanitary?
Shadow: This place is perfectly sanitary. Its a book.
Percy: You're saying were in a book?
Shadow: Yup!
Percy: Sweet!
Annabeth: Thats not possible. We can't be in a book.
Shadow: Weeeeellll, it wouldn't be your first time.
Hazel: What do you mean!?
Shadow: Nevermind. Anyways, Seven plus Nico, Will, and Reyna...this is the Patatoes. Patatoes this is the seven plus Nico, Will, and Reyna.
Aiden: Who again?
Shadow: Just everyone go around say your name and godly parent or godly soul parent.
Piper: You mean their demigods too!?
Brynne: Demigods? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!?
Aiden: Brynne, calm down.
Brynne: Easy for you to say, ammamma-
Reyna: Gods, what is happening?
Everyone: *shocked silence*
Shadow: *deep breath*
Percy: wow.
Annabeth: *elbows Percy*
Percy: ow.
Shadow: Sorry. Can y'all just say your full name and godly parent?
Sheela: Okay. Who starts?
Percy: I'll start. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Posidan. Greek god of the sea.
Annabeth: I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. Greek goddess of wisdom and war.
Piper: I'm Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite. Greek goddess of love and beauty.
Jason: I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. Roman god of the sky...and stuff.
Hazel: I'm Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. Roman god of the underworld and wealth
Frank: I'm Frank Zhang, son of Mars. Um, Roman god of war.
Nico: I'm Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. Greek god of death and the underworld.
Reyna: I'm Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona. Roman goddess of war.
Will: Er...I'm Will Solace, son of Apollo. Greek god of archery and healing and music...and other stuff too.
Everyone: ...
Shadow: heeeeey, we're missing someone...
Leo: *panting* hi...sorry...I'm...late...
Leo: Wait what is going on?
Shadow: *straining for patience* Leo, just say your full name and godly parent please.
Leo: but why-
Shadow: LEO! JUST DO IT!
Leo: Okay, Okay. Chill sunshine.
Shadow: You know what? Just do it Leo.
Leo: K. I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. Greek god of the forge.
Everyone: *silence*
Aru: Soooooo, you guys are like the kids ancient greek gods?
Piper: Pretty much.
Jason:  So who are you guys?
Aru: We're-
Shadow: A suprise! Pandavas your next.
Aiden and Rudy: We're not Pandavas-
Shadow: I DON'T CARE! Aru go. Full name and godly soul parent.
Aru: but, why do I have to go first? Can't someone else g-
Shadow: JUST GO ARU!
Aru: Okay, okay. My name is Arundhati Shah, soul daughter of Lord Indra. Hindu King of the gods and other things.
Leo: So you're a princess?
Aru: Kinda, I-
Shadow: NEXT!
Mini: uh- I'm Yamini Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez, soul daughter of Lord Dharma Raja. Hindu god of death and wisdom
Brynne: I'm Brynne Tvarika Lakshmi Balamuralikrishna Rao, should be world wide known famous chef and-
Shadow: BRYNNE!
Brynne: *sigh* fine. Soul daughter of Vayu. Hindu god of the winds.
Everyone: ...
Shadow: Kara.
Kara: what?
Shadow: your up.
Kara: *blushes* ummmmmm. I'm Kara...uh...Shah, soul daughter of........Surya. Hindu god of the sun.
Aiden: That was great, Kara.
Kara: *blush intesifies*
Aru: Hmph.
Aiden: What?
Aru: *sarcasticly* Oh, nothing.
Piper: I sense a love triangle.
Shadow: Okay! Lets move on! Nikita,
Nikita: *smirks* I'm Nikita Jagan, Queen of fashion.
Shadow: *sigh* I'm not gonna correct you on that because that would mean I'd have to stop using my inside voice.
Sheela: My turn! I'm Sheela Jagan, Queen of prophecy!
Shadow: really.
Rudy: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! My turn! I'm Prince Rudra of Naga-Loka, the greatest city in the world! And this is my trusty side-kick Aiden!
Aiden: *grumbling* I'm not your sidekick. My name is Aiden Acharya.
Shadow: Aaaaand. Thats everybody!
Mini: Hey, what about Boo?
Patatoes: *start sobbing*
Mini: oh. Sorry guys.
Percy whispers to Jason: who's Boo?
Jason: *shrugs* I don't know, man.
Aru: Okay, guys lets stop. We can't reflect on this too long.
Hazel: soooooo...all of us are demigods.
Sheela: Mm-hm
Frank:...since we're all demigods. We all probably have very scary lives, right. How about we all go around and share the scariest time.
Shadow: Great idea, Frank! I knew I could count on you!
Rudy: I'll go first. Uhhhhhhh, explaining to my parents why I went on a quest.
Brynne: How was that scary?
Rudy: It was! OK!?
Nikita: Ok, I'll go. The tree of life, by faaaaaar.
Piper: What happened at the tree of life?
Aru: You don't want to know.
Jason: uh, I'll go. I suppose either when I was stabbed or when I faced my mom.
Shadow: *thoughtfully* Oh yeah, you haven't died yet.
Jason & Piper: WHAT!?
Shadow: um, nevermind.
Hazel: Can I go? Ok. When I died.
Mini: Wait- YOUR DEAD!? That can't be sanitary!
Hazel: No! I was dead. Nico brought be back.
Mini: oh. WHAT!?
Aru: Mini your the daughter of death. Just accept it.
Mini: o-ok.
Shadow: What about you, Aiden?
Aiden: I don't know.
Percy: For me it was Tartarus.
Annabeth: *shivers* same.
Aru: Tartarus? Like the fish sauce?
Everyone: *silence*
Leo: *bursts out laughing* I like this chick.
Leo: Woah, mamcita. Slow your roll. What do you mean?
Brynne: *sighs* just leave it alone.
Piper: Tartarus is basicly hell. Litterly. Hell. Speaking of that, the scariest time for me was when Percy and Annabeth fell in Tartarus.
Frank: The scariest time for me was...was..well I don't know, maybe when I became a preator? Reyna?
Reyna: Oh, well I got to say when- when...I killed my dad.
Sheela: Wow, that must of taken guts.
Reyna: You mean you don't think I did anything that bad?
Aru: We kinda understand tho. My dad, well we've been trying to stop him for a while now.
Reyna: oh. Um, Nico.
Nico: I wanna say tartarus...but thats not true. I guess, when I was with Cupid.
Aiden: I get it. Well, I probably don't, but my experience with Kamadeva wasn't that great either.
Nico: hmm. Will?
Will: oh. I guess...I don't know.
Mini: Mine was probably the first time we faced the sleeper. Aru?
Aru: huh, I don't really know...
Brynne: The tree of wishes?
Aru: noooooo
Aru: Yeah, same as Mini.
Leo: No offence, but I'm bored.
Nikita: Same.
Shadow: Ok, then why don't we start a new conversation? Like whats everybody's favorite animal?
Sheela: nah.
Percy: You know what, we got to go.
Aiden: Same.
Shadow: What!? No! Please stay.
Annabeth: Bye
Aru: See ya
Mini: Nice meeting you guys!
Hazel: lets keep contacts!
Rudy: His majesty out!
Shadow: Nooooooo! Don't leave! Please! Don't- and they left. Welp, now its just me! Maybe I can entiretain y'all?
Shadow: eh, bye!

Soooooo, We did it! Sorry about the long introductions, I'll try to shorten it in the future. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment for more book crossover ideas! I'll be posting as much as I can! Tysm!!!

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