Billie took my hand again and intertwined our fingers together

Instant butterflies

"Thank you so much for this amazing tour Billie" I say smiling

"Nah it's okay mamas , plus i Lowkey didn't want to meet all those people too" she winks

Fucking hell she is hot

Wow I even said the f word she is THAT hot

"So what do u do around here? " I say

"Nothing, I just help around sometimes, there are some weird ass people coming in here. Most of them either support this dude called " trump" and yk most of them are even racist and homophobic bro. I swear to dad ( her dad is Lucifer) , that these trumpies are so fucking annoying. You know one time in one of there life reports, one women even drove over a child, A CHILD" Billie says laughing
Which I join her in

We both laugh hysterically while she tells me about some of the weird experiences she has had
Wow she has a lot more fun then me

"Well what do u do in, you know, heaven" she asks curiously

"Well urs is way more funner, but I help around with that stuff too. It's just good people there so not many weird stories, I have a few friends there, we just sit on clouds fly around and shit" I say

"Well I have never been to heaven" she says fiddling with the rings on her fingers

"Wait what? U actually haven't, don't u like fuck around with angels and then yk leave them" I say surprised

"Wait wait, how do u know that? " she says turning to me

"Well you are kinda famous in heaven, everyone there is always gushing over you and are pretending that u are their soul mate even if you don't know half of them. It's kinda really funny" I say laughing

"Are u one of those people" she says teasing me

"Hell no, don't get ahead of ur self, Ms princess of hell" I  smirk

"Fuck don't call me that shit" she says cringing

I chuckle
"What? pRiNcEsS oF hElL" I say teasing her again

She looks at me dead in the eye

"Bitch if you don't shut up right now" she says laughing

"Well okay to answer ur question, yeah I do fuck around with people. But it's just that people think too much, like I don't feel anything from any of them. My tattoo still hasnt shown up, I just like to have fun sometimes. And well none of them ever have invited me to heaven well so I didn't have a reason to go" she says

I think for a second before looking over to her excitedly
"How about you come over tomorrow? I'll show u around, I'll even bake u my infamous cookies how about that?" I say turning to look at her, happily

"That actually sounds fun" she says

For a moment we both just started at each other's eyes

Hers were teal, with a hint of light blue mixed
Even when being around being for only a few hours
I noticed little things about her like

Whenever she is happy
Her eyes turn light blue like the sky
Whenever she gets angry they completely turn black
Or whenever she is nervous or happy like right now they turn teal

I examine all her features
Admiring the legit devil sitting right Infront of me
She has this cute Bob cut that suits her face perfectly
She has chains around her and rings on ever finger

She also has these hot black acrylics

"Y/N, COME DOWN IT'S TIME TO GO" I hear my mom scream from below the cliff

We both get out of our trance
I scream back "OKAY COMING" so she knows I heard her

"Well thank you for being just a good host Billie" I say smiling as we both stand up

"And thank you for being the cutest guest ever babygirl" she says
God that nickname
I immediately feel my cheeks heat up
Which she thankfully couldn't see cuz Everything was

We both fly down holding hands which was very very cute

"Ur coming tomorrow right? "
I ask hoping for a yes

"Sure, why not! , I'll pass by at like 2?"
She says as we walk towards our moms

"Omg yesssss thank youuu" I say trying to hug her cuz I get too joyous when I am exited

"Calm down tiger, I don't do hugs" she says pushing me away playfully

"Aww man I'll get that hug someday! " I say pouting like a child
Which she chuckles too

"I see you both got along" my mom says smiling

"Yea Billie is actually fun" I say teasing her
Which she rolls her eyes too

Me and Billie look towards are mom
Who are suspiciously laughing like children who are hiding somethinh

"What are u guys laughing about" Billie asks raising her eyebrow and I nod looking at them suspiciously

"Nothing nothing, I am glad you guys got along" lilith says

"Oh and mom, y/n invited me to heaven tomorrow at 2 is that alright?"

"That is perfectly fine with me" she says smiling widely

we exchange numbers and say our good byes

Wow today was so much fun
I actually made a very nice friend

I just keep thinking about Billie
Her face
Her way of flirting with me knowing I get flustered
Just every thing about her

Billie is gorgeous
I keep thinking about the fact that every time she took my hand in hers and intertwined our hands together
They fitted so perfectly

But all in all I am happy I made a new friend

Well hopefully more then that

No y/n shut up don't get ahead of urself there
Billie is legit the "princess" of hell and ur a ordinary angel
Her soul mate is definitely someone more higher graded
And well ur just another angel to her

Those thoughts circle around my brain as I feel my self fall asleep on my soft cloudy bed

Billie pov-
As I am in bed thinking about today
All my thoughts are just going back to
Just her
Everything about her
She is a literal angel
I don't know she made me feel such a different way
The way our hands fitted perfectly together
To the way I have such a cute affect on whenever I make a flirty comment

What the fuck is actually happening to me
I think before I feel my eyes getting heavy
And before I know it I am in a deep slumber
Well I hope y'all enjoyed part 1!!!!
I love y'all
Thank you for supporting me!!
Have a good day❤❤

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