You were once again helping Hinata with his homework since he forgot again. Seems like this is gonna be a daily thing.

"What did Kageyama say to make you angry now?"

"Huh? Kageyama? He didn't say anything." Hinata looked at you confused.

"Oh? You two made up huh." you really had thought this Kageyama dude would be a pain in the ass for a longer time, considering the ignorant shit he had said.

"NUH UH. He's my rival! Also, he's gonna help me improve my receives and I'm gonna make sure I beat him so he will toss to me." Hinata said motivated.

"That's nice, so who's the issue now?" 

"Tsukishima. He's one of the 2 other first-years Kageyama and I are competing against on Saturday." 

Guess I should thank this Tsukishima dude since he unintentionally helped them work together. You hummed. "So what about this guy?" you prodded. Hinata puffed his cheeks, scowling. "He's almost 190cm" he grumbled.

 "He's almost 190cm" he grumbled

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

He's jealous. You chuckled, "Okay, so what did he say?"

"He said the match doesn't matter to them, and he'll take it easy for us so we would win," Hinata puffed his cheeks. You didn't know whether he was being rude or nice. Offering to lose on purpose? My ego would never let me. You scoffed.

Hinata continued, "Then he said volleyball is just a club. Also he kept provoking Kageyama, calling him King, and made it him really angry. Kageyama didn't even fight back and just let him say whatever he wanted too. Which was totally not like him." Hinata said, then picked up his pencil. Interesting, sounds familiar too.

"Oh yea! Tsukishima said something about him watching the match Kageyama lost. I have no idea what they were talking about though," your friend finished.There seems to be way more behind his nickname. And I swear I've heard something like this before. you thought.

You'd stop actively keeping up with the happenings of the volleyball world after you tried and failed to convince your brother to overcome his fears. You assumed Kageyama was some hot shot genius, not to forget his ability to jump serve on the first day.


"One iced chocolate and strawberry shortcake please." You paid and stood at the collection counter waiting for your drink. The cake was already brought out and placed onto your tray. You had changed into more comfortable clothing before leaving school. Ain't no way I'm letting people recognize what school I'm from. You quickly fired a text to Asahi telling him that you're at a cafe to study and stalk someone, to which he replied "bless the poor soul".

The bell at the door jingled as a pair of new customers walked in. Your focus was pinned on the one on the left. You scanned him from top to bottom. His glasses weren't the only clue hinting his intelligence, the way his eyes scanned the space suggested his good observation skills. It'll be an understatement to say that he was good-looking too. His body was lean and you were probably thicker than this dude but... Your gaze scanned him, back to his face. 

Asahi's sister (Tsukishima X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें