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It was Waverly's favourite time well not just Halloween she just loved celebrating with her family witch is one of the reasons I love her she is so caring and warm hearted

I got home from the shop to see Waverly in her costume and honestly my jaw dropped I don't think I have ever seen Waverly in something so sexy like she is beautiful in everything but this is like wow I don't even know

"Hey baby"

I looked at her in shock is this a dream am I dreaming

"Nicole baby"

I blinked a couple of time and pinched myself

"Nope not a dream"

She laughed and came closer to me

"You like it"

I nodded and moved forward for are welcome kiss

"You looked amazing baby"

I finally brought myself to say but then I remembered we was going to a party and champ was going to be there so that means he will hit on her

I guess Waverly saw me panicking because soon enough her lips where back on mine but it wasn't just a pec no this kiss was passionate but raw

I dropped my keys on the floor and moved my hands down to Waverly's ass squeeze it and making her moan in my mouth. Still by far the sexiest thing she does

"Are you wearing that to the party"

She looked at me and then smiled

"Yeah I thought I could be a nurse and you could be a sexy doctor"

She gave me the most innocent smile. How could someone so sweet and so kind wear something so sexy I don't know

"I'm the sexy one baby have you looked at yourself"

She looked down at her body my hands still on her ass and she smiled like an evil smile

"You think I'm sexy"

She looked back up at me

"I think your the sexiest girl I have ever seen in fact your the sexiest person I have ever seen"

She leans close and bites down on my neck

"Mmm baby what are you doing"

She doesn't answer me however she does move back and takes off her dress so she now stands in her underwear in front of me and god was she beautiful

"Wanna show me my outfit"

Her smile left her face and she frowned

"You don't want to have sex with me"

"Waves baby I want to fuck you like there is no tomorrow but right now we need to get dressed for a party your sister has invited us to"

She got my outfit and it was pretty much a male version of her costume and I love that she got us matching

"I love it baby now go get dressed before I can't control myself anymore"

She walked up to me and turned around moving her ass against me

"I would love to see that"

I kiss her neck but then move back having to catch her

"Dressed we need to get dressed"

She frowned again and got her costume back on but didn't leave the room

"Baby I have to change"

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