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Sage Ved Vyas could not believe what he heard. Devi Niyati was cursed and now born as a mortal without any divine power or memory. He asked, 'Pravu, then where is she now? Do you know where did she had taken birth?'

Vasusen, 'No great sage, I have no idea. Shukracharya's power is preventing us to find her location. But at least because of this Asurs also do not know her location. Otherwise, they will surely harm her. But now I have to protect mother earth from great bloodshed. Because of your son's stupidity, all Kuru elder's sins and some people's greed, a chance of great war is looming over on Aryavart. If this cannot be stopped, it will destroy our culture, our society. It will divide our country to such an extent that we cannot be able to unite for a long time and our beloved country will be captured by external forces. So I need to stop that. Also I have to fulfill the promise I made to my devotee. So I need to protect her family as well.'

Vedvyas, 'Pravu, so that is why you took birth in Adhirath's and Radha's house? I must say they are honored.'

Vasusen, 'In their previous birth, both of them were my devotees who wanted me as their son. I promised them that I will fulfill their wish. So I came as a son in their life. But they are my foster parents, I am not born from them.'

Ved Vyas, 'What? Then who are your real parents?'

Karna, 'Great sage, what do you know about Pandavas' birth?'

Sage Ved Vyas was shocked by the sudden question. He said 'The Pandavas are Devputras. Their mother is an honorable woman who pleased sage Durvasha and got a boon to summon any Dev and ask for a son with their characteristics.  Devi Kunti is a great woman who got all her sons from different Devs and also donated that mantra to Madri so that she also could get sons.'

Vasusen just smiled and said, 'Great sage, sometimes it is not good to believe in everything that you can see. Sometimes it is better to use inner logic as well to interpret things properly. You have seen all the Pandavs. Do you think they possess all good traits of the Devs who sired them and there are no negative qualities in them?'

Sage Ved Vyas was in deep thought. Like all others he also believed that Pandavas were Devputras, so they were the goodness personified. But now thinking logically, he could find many flaws in their characters. Yudhistir, the son of Dharmaraj Yama always spoke the truth. But Dharmaraj never discriminated among any life form and his justice was equal to all. But Yudhistir was a highly prejudiced person who had no sympathy for lower-class people. Bheem, son of Pavan Deva and was strong like him. But also an arrogant, stupid, gluttonous person. Arjun, a great warrior like Indra but he was arrogant, selfish and greedy for fame. To be the best archer he even forced Drona to cut Eklavya's thumb. Nakul, though handsome like Ashwini Kumar but was proud of his beauty while Sahadev though intelligent but very insensitive to others' pain. So now, Sage Ved Vyas understood what Dev Vasusen was trying to say. though the Pandavas were sired by the Devs but still had no divine qualities. They were the slaves of Ripus just like all other common human beings. Shocked he asked, 'Dev then what is the actual story?'

Vasusen, 'Before answering that let me tell you a story. Once there was a young princess. One day a great sage Durvasha came to her kingdom and she pleased him with her devotion. Being happy, the great sage gave her a boon to summon any Dev except Tridevs to have a son. But the princess was young and one day she out of curiosity called Suryadev. She did not want to have a son as she was unmarried but she just wanted to test the mantra. So Suryadev came in front of her. She said, "My Lord, I don't want a son now, but after my marriage, I will want a son with your radiance." Lord Suryadev was bound by the law, so he said "Tathasthu but you have to accept my son now as I cannot deny the mantra" and gave her a son. The princess was scared as she knew that it would destroy her father's reputation. So she asked her brother and her friend for help. They hid her for nine months and then when the son was born, they threw the newborn into the river Ganga. But they did not know that everything was pre-destined. I needed a medium to come to earth as a mortal. So my father gave me to her and when she left me to die, I was saved by Devi Ganga. She took me to the shore of Hastinapur, where my foster parents had found me. But then comes the second part of the story. When my father came to know about the incident, he was angry. So he cursed her saying that "Princess, you misused the boon so now you will face the consequence. You can summon any dev with the Mantra but you will never receive the sons with the divine qualities. Instead, all your sons will have bad qualities like normal human beings. Even being Devputras, they will possess many bad characters and that will be the reason for their downfall." Now, this is the end of the story.'

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