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It's not often that someone in school or in a work space would be confessed constantly by many admirers they make in their lives.

Whether they were pretty or if they were popular among the boys in school or in public or simply because they have a lovable side that made any person fall in love with their crush.

Maybe all of the above, wink wink.

Well, today isn't so different for one individual who stood  behind a large school building where they saw another student who was gripping their arm with great nervousness inside their veins.

The nervous student who's gaze was at their admirer's feet was one of our main protagonists, Y/n L/n who was just a few inches short of his crush as he had a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose along with some uncared h/c strands sprouting from his head. Every once in a while you catch him fixing his hair with a single swipe only to be rooted back into it's old messy way thanks to the calming weather flying past him.

Then there was the second figure who was also present at the scene, a redhead girl with fair skin that was wearing a pair of headphones that nearly matched perfectly with her sky blue eyes. She was wearing a green skirt along with a teal buttoned uniform that was under a navy jacket. They swayed majestically through the soft and gentle wind during the day that was ready to settle down.

Enough with the description of our main characters, let's talk about why these two unusual students were behind the school at a somewhat late time.

"I... I like you, N-Nakano-san ..."

Yes, one of the students has a huge crush on the other as the girl who was presumed to be Nakano blankly stares at the boy who just confessed his love for her.

"Please go out with me!" The h/c says before bowing his head down to the girl.

Nakano stares at the boy a little more longer as her expression has not changed one bit at all. Why was that?

For the girl, it's simply because this wasn't new.

There were many other boys in the past that she met has confessed their feelings to this beautiful yet quiet girl. And in the end of every confession she received, it all ends the same way that Nakano was going to say next.

"I... I decline..."

A rejection as Y/n lifts his head up and stared into her charming sky blue eyes that was nearly covered by a few strands of her maroon hair. "...Eh?"

"I like someone else..." Nakano turns away from her admirer and closes her eyes. "...I hope you understand..." she adds the last part in a more softer tone as the h/c was ready to take the rejection and tell his piece to her.

"O-Okay... I understand..."

But unlike the other boys, the s/c skinned boy took the matters in his hands quite well as he smiles softly at the redhead girl. "To be honest, I'm glad I could get this off my chest! Thank you taking time out of your day to listen to my confession..."

He turns away from the girl and waves her away, walking alongside the building of the school as he turns the corner and stops in place, knowing he was out of Nakano's sights.

Then, a drop of water falls down his face, that smile was still intact. Yet that smile was nothing more than a sorrowful one for himself instead of the gleed one that he showed off to his crush, wiping it away with his hand. "...Miku..." he sniffs silently and looks up at the blue sky.

"You don't understand... how much I like you..." he scoffs at himself softly and continues to head off his high school campus and towards home that only takes him ten minutes to get to.


"I still see your shadows in my room... Can't take back the love that I gave you..."

Inside of the L/n residence, the house shook softly as one of the rooms that was occupied by a boy was blasting sad songs through his speakers as he laid on his back against the mattress of his bed.

Even if the music was threatening to break his courage and soul after the heartbreaking rejection, the boy stays firm with his unpredictable eyes and face that stared at the ceiling while throwing an American football in the air and catching it in his hands. He continues to sing the lyrics while thinking about the situation over and over for the past few hours that happened.

For the past few songs that Y/n was in this state, Y/n finally grabbed himself out of his bed and brought his booming speaker towards the bathroom and sets it down on the sink.

Thankfully his parents were out for the night to watch a movie with his siblings as turns the cold water on and splashes some into his face. He washes it around a bit and then glanced up at the mirror in front of him.

Eyes were starting to redden as he brushes his hair with his hand to gain a better view of himself.

He was a mess, that was something it took him too long to realize. His eyes gazed down at his hands and then back at himself through the mirror as he figures something out.

"...I gotta do something about myself right now..."

This was an observation, a goal overall as he knew winter break was around the corner. This may be a perfect time to work himself out mentally and physically as he didn't know that this rejection would affect him deeply when he got home. He heads back to his room to grab a fresh pair of clothes to go out as well as his wallet and his phone, typing down a list of things he wanted to get for himself.

"C/c hair dye, acne lotion, new clothes... casual and... street wear..." he puts a hand under his chin before putting his phone back in his pocket and figured he'll find something when he goes shopping.

For now, he's on a quest.

And that is to stop becoming a weeping mope and start become a better person than he was right now.

Miku Nakano x Friendzoned Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن