And In Health

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Techno returned and his gaze was old and weary, but his eyes relaxed a little when he saw that Dream was still conscious and breathing. He really didn't know anything about this disease, or how to help, or if he couldn't help how much time there was left. He dropped to his knees and put a hand on Dream's shoulder leaning over him, giving the other man a moment of shade with his body.

"Dream," he said, and green eyes fluttered open below him. The man's lips were parted and dry, like he had been panting just a second ago. His eyes weren't glassy, though, and he saw everything clearly.

"Techno," he said, trying to make his voice strong so it would be reassuring.

Techno took one of the bottles of water next to him and opened it, then guided Dream to a sitting position with his arm. He brought the glass to the man's mouth and watched him drink the whole thing.

Dream wiped his mouth with the back of his wrist, head spinning a little. "Techno, let's go to South beach."

"When you get better," the creature replied.

"No- let's go now. I am okay enough for the journey."

"You're not okay. You haven't even been able to stand the whole day, and you've slept for most of it. Aren't you tired?"

"Yes, but-"

"Travelling will be exhausting for you. We should wait."

"But, Techno-"

"We can go when you get better."

Dream didn't say anything, the silence filling the air. The sun had set while Dream was asleep and now a thick twilight fell on both of them. What if I do not get better. The response went unspoken, but both felt like they had heard it. Techno subconsciously brought the man closer to his chest.

"When you get better," he said again, with emphasis.

"I'm going, with or without you!" Dream said, with a sudden burst of determination. He tried to stand but couldn't get up. Okay, fine, he thought. He put a hand in Technoblade's lap and tried to get his hands past the man's zipper.

"I think you might be delirious," said Techno, gently moving the hands away.

"Technoblade..." he said, suddenly calm, "I don't want to be afraid anymore."


"Of anything. I want you always. I want to see the ocean. I want to see the silk waves and the navy blue and the pearly foam."

"We will see the ocean! Just, not right now."

"What if I don't get better. What if I die."

Techno's eyes looked damp when he said, "Don't say that."

"Diamonds..." Dream mumbled, and he fell asleep.

A surge of fear ran through Techno at the seemingly confused word. Diamonds? What? What does that mean. How sick is he... Techno shook the man's shoulder a little. "Dream? Why did you say that?" The man jostled under his touch and his eyelashes fluttered a little, but he stayed asleep.

The blond man was sweating again and as Techno watched him a chill ran through him, goosebumps prickling his arms. The creature put a hand on the man's forehead and felt it burning up.

What if he doesn't get better, Techno couldn't help but wonder. And his last wish, to see the ocean, was denied by me? I can't even imagine that.

The creature brought Dream aspirin leaves he found growing at the base of a willow tree. He forced the blond man to sit up and chew, and watched his glassy expression wear down a little, some of the blaze melting away from his skin. In a half an hour his fever was leveling, but he was still very sick. Techno cradled the man in his arms and whispered soothing words in his ear, not sure if he could hear them in his dazed state.


In the middle of the night Techno untangled himself from the other man, who he was gripping very carefully in his sleep. He sat up and looked at the moon. It was barely a sliver now and would disappear tomorrow night, and be back two more days from now. It really wasn't the ideal time to go on an expedition to a place he had never even been to, seeing as it would be pitch dark. Not to mention, how far was this beach? It seemed too far to walk. They would need to find another method of transportation.

The stars were brilliant and they would be even more brilliant tomorrow, when the earth went moonless. He hoped Dream would be well enough to appreciate them.

My boy wants me to take him to the ocean, he thought, looking up at the sparks of white and deep, deep blue among the colorless sky. His eyes traced the pattern of the milky way. I'll take him to the ocean.

Dream groaned in his sleep beside him, shivering again. Techno pulled him into his arms and pressed the man's face into his neck where it was warmest. The fever had welled up again and he picked an aspirin leaf at his side, slipping it into the man's mouth. Dream chewed it without hesitation, a hum of gratitude falling from his lips. When the shaking stopped Techno let the man lay back on the ground, covering him with his clothes.

He stood up. It was going to be very difficult to carry Dream on his back the entire way to the ocean, not without taking way too long to get there. There was another option, although he got the sense that the ex-poacher wasn't going to like it.

It would be sunrise in just a few hours and the hoglins would make their way to the nearest water source- they drank at dusk and dawn. Perhaps he would be able to somehow get help from one of his piggy brothers.


Techno crept toward a river, the one he had made so many trips to just that day, so he could keep bringing Dream water. It was smaller than their old one and it flowed less easily but there had been no blood on it's bank as far as he knew, and so he liked it better. He didn't approach it, instead hiding behind the fronds of a short palm tree, hands holding the trunk, peering between the leaves.

He waited for ten minutes, forcing himself to breathe easy. He dozed off once and when he refocused his eyes he saw the beast.

They locked eyes. The expression was familiar.

Techno approached slowly and grabbed the hoglin's tusks. It's huge head reared back, hind legs kicking at the ground, ready to run Techno over. It let out a loud roar and the noise rung in Techno's ears.

Techno held steady and snorted in the animal's face. Just when it was about to buckle forward and crush him, he leapt up and pulled himself on it's back. The thing shook him back and forth, trying to throw him off, but to no avail. Techno was holding on and not letting go, gripping the scruff of it's neck with one hand and it's right tusk with the other. It shook and roared again, although this time the motion was weaker.

As the animal steadied itself, Techno smiled. For you, Dream.

The Uncanny Majesty (Dreamnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now