C H A P T E R | O N E

576 18 0

W | R | A | T | H

Wrath was already in a bad mood, his temper going through the roof as he slammed the door to the building behind him. How dare they, they should be as lucky to be able to see him, Wrath.

Walking out, he bite his tongue to not freak out on the hoards of people currently blocking his path, humans weren't used to his anger or his wrath when he got furious. But his brain couldn't think through that it was their fault that he had this awful mood at the movement.

"MOVE" he roared into the crowd as he was cut off by an older man with no care, what a rude asshole "dude, calm down" a passing man said, his hand covering the speaker on the phone.

Calm down?!

Turning around he grabbed the guy by the collar and slammed into the wall "how dare you speak to me like that" he yelled, red flashing through his black eyes and making the man cower against the wall.

He was only able to speak one tiny meek word "Wrath" but everyone heard it and froze, staring at the taller man who had a heated expression, and the people created a path.

He walked down, growling whenever somebody stared to long at it, and they looked elsewhere or tried too, being a Deadly Sin made everyone's eyes automatically drawn to him. Most didn't know why unless they figured it out, but it pissed him off, people staring are just rude.

Turning down an alley, he stopped where he parked his car, his eyes narrowing into almost slits at the person at the drivers side door. They were jangling the lock, a silver thing in the lock was gleaming in the light.

Wrath's angry mood, turned into a furious one as he stalked forward, his fists clenching as a sick smile spread across his face.

Wrath had to take his wrath out on someone, snd here they were.

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