12 - Samhain (part 2)

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"Silas, tell me what the fuck is going on!"

"I was with Aegon that night he disappeared." He moved his hands down my back, pulling me closer to him. "It was easy enough to trick him into sneaking me to the lake. I told him I found something powerful we could use to cast and create spells no one else could dream of." He kissed my neck and continued to speak in a low, rough voice. "We did find one of them." He held up his hand to my face, showing off the ring Luna had been scouting earlier.

"That's one of the four founder's rings," I said aloud, starting to piece together what was going on. I pulled the shackles my hands were in, trying to free them, but it was no use. "What happened to Aegon? What did you do?"

He let out a devious laugh. "I pushed him. In order to get a ring, you must give the lake a soul of someone you love. My only mistake was I thought I only had to give one soul in order to get all four rings. I was wrong. Four rings, four souls."

I shook my head, not wanting to believe what he was saying. "Silas, don't do this," my voice was shaky and a tear spilled out of my eye.

"Ssshhh, don't cry beautiful," he whispered and brushed the tear off of my cheek. "It'll be over before you know it. Aren't you happy to be reunited with your dear friend Autumn?"

"Autumn? She's not down here, she died in the bathroom. We never made it this far."

He laughed and turned to the lake. "You have no idea what you did, do you?" I scowled at him, but didn't answer. "Her soul went through the mirror the night you cast that spell. You never even killed her Layla. How could you have turned a spell to open a mirror into a death spell? You give yourself too much credit. You see, you did open the mirror that night. But not for a body, for a soul. The mirror just took the first soul it could find."

My head was starting to ache as much as my chained up hands. "You weren't here two years ago, how did you find Aegon."

"I was here two years ago actually. For the triwizard tournament, I'm sure you remember. I befriended Aegon after seeing his incredible ability with spell work. It's a shame really, he was a good wizard."

"You're a monster..." I breathed out slowly. "I'm not letting you get away with this."

"You don't have a choice, darling."

"Even with me and Autumn's souls that's still only three rings you'll have."

He shrugged. "For now. I'm sure it won't be long until I can seduce another lonely girl to come down here with me. Your friend Poppy seems eager enough. Besides, I know the spell to get through the mirror now. You know that's all I really needed you for, right?" He slid a hand up my dress and to my inner thigh, the other one grazed over my breasts. "I have to admit, you were fun to have around though. I'll miss you."

"Get your fucking hands off her," a loud voice suddenly came from the other end of the cave.

I turned to see Draco with his wand outstretched towards Silas. He was still in his black suit, but his hair was messy and his eyes were dark with anger.

"Ah, and my way to the fourth ring presents itself." Silas smiled and let go of me, arming his wand back at Draco.

"Draco," I couldn't help but gasp in relief at the sight of him. Then my relief turned to anger.

Draco quickly flicked his wand and the chains that bound me broke, sending me tumbling to the floor. I stumbled around, tripping over my damned dress trying to find where my wand had fallen. I had to do something, but with that ring Silas was far more powerful than any of us.

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