Home Crush Confusion

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Niana got home from school and lays down on the couch.
'Don't sleep, you have to help me, remenber.' said Boromir with an laugh.
'with what again?' Niana responded.
'with helping the 'Goodes' store. I would be Yesterday, but he changed the plan, because his son had his first day on school.'
'Yea, I remember. Alright then. When are we going?'
'Ok, let me grab my things.'

[Niana is in the car With Boromir and she is thinking about Nick Goode and Luana. You don't who you should like more. She's confused.
Niana and Boromir arrive to the goodes store and you see Nick Goode]

Niana and Boromir going inside the store and Nick sees Niana and is coming to her.
'Hi! I didn't know that you we're coming here.'
Niana responded: 'Hi and I didn't know that you we're his son. What a coincidence!'
'Yea, coincidence.. Haha. But um.. How are you?'
'I'm good, thanks for asking. And how are you?'
'Your welcome, I'm good too.'

Niana and Nick are talking a few hours and they're helping in the store.
Niana and Boromir are going to leave and nick said: 'I'll see you tomorrow, I quess.'
'Yes, see you tomorrow on school. Bye'

Niana and Boromir are in the car and Boromir asks: 'So.. Do you like the Nick kid?'
'No.. Ok, yes I kinda like him, I quess. I don't know.' Niana responded.
'Do you like Luana too?'
'how'd you know I liked Luana?'
'since you came here, one and a half year ago. I see how you look at her and she is looking at you. You can't say that you two like each other.'
'Ok..' said Niana, 'But I don't know.. I like girls and then I see a cute boy. I don't want like boys.. Girls are prettier.'
'I know girls are prettier, but maybe your bi instead of a lesbean?'
'I don't think so..'

They are home and Niana is going to her and Luana's room.
She lays on her bed and thinking about Luana and Nick. You think that you would date Luana, but not Nick. 'Maybe I'm bi? Or not? What if I'm pansexual? Or maybe straight like the years before?' Niana thinks. She's very confused and she want to know it quickly, 'cause it's killing her.

Niana and the bad LucksWhere stories live. Discover now