The boys around you cleared to the sides, forming a rough circle. You held your own blade up, nodding in return. You touched the tip to his to signal the start, pulling back and striking again quickly. His sword barely seemed to move, but it was there, blocking you easily. Your eyes narrowed slightly and you started testing his defenses methodically, keeping a watchful eye for any sneaking strikes he might put in.

You started to grow tired after a few minutes, the dress you were wearing hampering your movements and adding to the heat of the full blaze of the sun. You knew you had to win quickly, or your stamina would give out. Blind Diamond's showed no sign of wavering. So you stepped close, locking your blade with his, before jumping back as if he'd pushed you through. As you'd hoped, he pursued the option for attack, drawing closer again. You stepped backwards, intending to use the circular motion David had taught you to send his blade flying, if you could just get the right angle...

You slipped. The heel of your boot hit a coil of rope in your back step, quickly tangling itself around the shoe and sending you firmly to the ground. You dropped your sword as you caught yourself, scowling furiously at the rope as you pulled it off. You felt a cool, firm object nudge under your chin, pointing it and your gaze up. Your eyes traveled up the length of the sword to the boy's face. "Yield?" He asked casually, flicking some of his hair out of his face.

You pressed your lips together, nodding begrudgingly. The boy extended a hand, dropping his sword to his side, and you, though you hated to do it, took it. He pulled you up with ease, stronger than you were expecting, tugging you right up to his chest. You put your free hand out, firmly connecting and pushing off him as you ripped your hand from his grasp. He barely looked like he'd broken a sweat, while your maroon gown was torn at the hem and extremely mussed.

Blind Diamond laughed again, sliding his sword into the sheath on his belt. "Well fought, Princess." he said, scrutinizing you again.

"An explanation, Blind Diamond." You prompted, saying nothing of your fight and crossing your arms. You put emphasis on his name, showing that you knew who he was as well.

"I suppose you deserve one, after that." He shrugged, unfazed by the use of his nom de plume as if everyone should know him. For some reason that irritated you more. "Care to join me in my cabin, Princess?"

You quirked an eyebrow at him, and he actually blushed. "Along with your boy, of course. And my second, should he choose to stop making eyes at Sunny." Blind Diamond said loudly, causing Mush to start and shoot a glare at his captain, noticeably not looking up at the crows nest anymore.

You turned and walked to David, taking his arm and pulling him up. David took your arm protectively, hooking it through his. The other boys dispersed silently to their various tasks, and without ceremony the pirate captain turned and walked into his cabin. You and David followed slowly, Mush walking behind you. He shut the door after entering, turning to stand with his back against it.

"Have a seat." Blind Diamond waved a hand airily, sinking into a comfortable looking arm chair behind a desk and kicking his heels up onto the solid wood surface.

You sat down hesitantly on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk, David taking the chair next to you.

"If you don't mind me asking," David began, the first time you'd heard him speak on the ship. His voice was cold. "Why are we here?"

"What, didja wanna stay with Weasel?" Blind Diamond blinked. "I mean, we ain't too far off by now, we could put you back on board."

"No," You said quickly. "Not really."

"See?" The boy pointed at you. "She gets it. Trust me, if you stuck with him... wouldn't end well for either of ya."

"And you're expecting this to end well for us?" David gestured around the cabin. "Not likely." He snorted, shaking his head.

"Very likely, in fact. At least, you ain't gonna get hurt." Blind Diamond said, gaze fixed on you with that curious light back in his eyes.

"Sure." David huffed.

"So what are you going to do with us, then?" You asked, the steel in your voice clear.

"Nothin' yet. We're still out at sea for a couple more weeks, won't head in for a while. So as of now, you're my guests."

"Guests are usually free to leave." You said, your eyebrow raising.

"Feel free to, Princess. You won't get too far." Blind Diamond smirked, shaking some hair out of his face. "We're in the middle of the ocean. On my ship. B'sides, it won't be all too bad. I'm here, after all." He punctuated the final statement with a cocky wink.

Somehow, that didn't bring you much comfort.

Thief of Princes  (Kid Blink x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now