Pausing at the sound of a horn being honked they turned to see a man approaching in a golf cart, "Are you fucking kidding?" Coral muttered.

"Uh, excuse me," the man called as he stopped the golf cart, "Can I help you?"

"No," Coral stated as John B and Pope sat on top of the wall afraid to move.

Laughing the man stood from the golf cart holding a gun, "I got double-aught bucks in this thing, so, uh, I can't miss," he threatened, "So everyone off the wall."

Holding his hands up as John B and Pope jumped back down to the ground JJ stepped towards the man, "Sir, it's not what it seems."

"You telling me you four don't belong on the other side of the island?"

"That was rude and condescending," Coral muttered as JJ shushed her.

"I think I'm gonna have to call the police."

"You don't have to do that, sir," JJ said, keeping his hands in the air, "Could I maybe talk with you?  Just to explain."

"JJ," John B hissed.

"No, I got this," he whispered before approaching the man slowly, "Sir, I know you think we're just derelict kids from the Cut, but we weren't that to Mr. Cameron."

"Sure weren't," John B chimed in.

"We were his yard workers, sir, and she was young Miss Wheezie's nanny," he said, pointing to Coral, "And we were just waiting for our yard associate......uh."

"Tommy," John B hissed.

"Tommy, yeah, Tommy to get back from planting a row of flowers for Mr. Cameron's memorial," JJ explained.

"Keep talking," the man responded.

"Mr. Cameron he was knighted this summer," JJ went on, "It was a truly spectacular ceremony at Midsummers.  We were all there," he said motioning to the others, "We had tears the whole night for the accomplishments Mr. Cameron has, well had, achieved in life.  The Knight of the Rhododendron lives on in here," he told the man touching his heart.

Coughing to cover her laugh Coral elbowed Pope who snorted from next to her as JJ continued on, "That's why we planted those flowers."

"Yep!" John B agreed as Coral and Pope nodded.

"You smell that right?"

"What is that, night blooming Jasmine?" the man asked.

"No, that's a uh, um, like, a natural Viagra, Sir," JJ made up.

"Oh God," Coral mumbled unable to keep from rolling her eyes any longer.

"Really?" the man questioned sounding intrigued.

"Yep! Just one sniff and bam it's hammer time! You know what I'm saying?"

"Okay, okay, our associate, Tommy, should be out here any time," Pope cut in.

"Yeah, so we'll be quiet, and we'll finish up here, and we're sorry we bothered you," JJ told the man as he led him back to his golf cart. 

"You see that you do," the man replied, "I've got to get some of those flowers," he muttered as he climbed into the golf cart.

"Have a good night, Sir," John B called as the man finally drove away.

"You are so ridiculous!" Coral said as they rushed back to the wall and JJ boosted her up while John B and Pope jumped up themselves.  

"You mean I'm a Jedi master bull shitter," he responded climbing up and over the wall.

"What do we do?  I don't see Sarah," Coral whispered as they crouched behind a row of hedges.

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