Chapter 14 Christmas Day Part 2

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"Oh it's a childhood nickname" she said.

"Well now that everything's set up we better dressed before everyone starts to arrive" said Bill as he pulled Fleur towards the Burrow, the rest of us following behind him. I caught up to Hermione and began to talk to her.

"So, Your twin Luke's coming is he?" I asked.

"Yep, but he's really overprotective so I'd watch out" she informed me.

"What do you mean? You think he'll yell at me because I'm your date to the party?" I asked in a joking voice.

"Nope, but he'll probably hit you" she said smirking.

"Really?!" I asked, I was definitely worried now.

"Don't worry I won't let him hurt you, but if I'm not there and he tries to hit you then I'd be worried" she said whilst she bit her bottom lip.

"Why should I be worried?" I asked anxiously.

"Well if a wolfblood hits you it's going to really hurt, especially considering my dad trained Luke and I to fight since birth" she replied shrugging her shoulders like it was no big deal.

"Really?" I said, my voice not sounding nearly as scared as I actually was.

"Oh don't worry, it'll be fine" she reassured me before kissing my cheek and walking into her and Ginny's room to get ready, before I smiled slightly and walked up to George and I's room.

Once I got to my room I told George what Hermione told me about Luke and all he did was laugh, can you believe it? His own twin could get beaten up by a bloody wolfblood for crying out loud. I shook my head at him and began to get ready. I took a quick shower and then put on some blue muggle jeans, a white t-shirt, a plain black blazer and some black shoes. I dried my hair but left it in its normal messy way, I quickly ran my hand through my hair one last time before I left the room to get Hermione.

I knocked on her bedroom door and then I leaned casually on the door frame waiting for her to open it. Then I heard footsteps from the other side of the door and then the door opened revealing Hermione, I quickly stopped leaning on the door frame and stood straight instead.... I felt like I stopped breathing when I saw her she looked stunning. She was wearing a beautiful black strapless dress than hugged her figure perfectly, it flowed freely from her waist until it reached her knees, revealing her long, smooth, slightly tanned legs. At that moment I didn't care that I might get battered by her brother tonight as long as I could spend the night with her until then.

"Wow, you look so gorgeous Hermione" I said.

"Wow yourself, don't you look handsome"she said grinning at me as she straightened the collar of my blazer.

"Thank you Hermione...... Shall we?" I asked as I offered her my hand.

"Of course" she replied as she entwined her fingers with mine.

We descended the Burrow's staircase together before walking out the back door and into the beautifully decorated garden. Hermione's friend, Eric was playing music at full blast (but it wasn't loud enough so we couldn't talk). A lot of people seemed to have arrived whilst we were getting ready, all those who we invited had already arrived including some who we didn't. The fairy lights and the lanterns were all glowing brightly above our heads. Suddenly Eric began to play a slow song.

"Could I have the pleasure of a dance milady?" I asked bowing to Hermione who laughed before saying, "I would be honoured kind Sir" she said whilst curtsying to me.

I immediately guided her towards the other dancing couples, before pulling her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist, We began slowly swaying to the music. I looked into her eyes and before I could stop myself I leaned down towards her and kissed her on the lips, she seemed shocked at first but after a second she started to kiss back. Once we eventually pulled apart, we were both grinning like fools.

"So I take it you like me back?" she asked me still grinning.

"Nope I don't think I like you, I think I love you" I said as I leaned down and kissed her again but briefly this time.

"I love you too" she said smiling sweetly at me.

"Hermione Granger, will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" I asked without a single ounce of hesitation in my voice.

"I'd love to" she said.

Just then the slow song ended and an upbeat one started playing. I pulled Hermione off of the dance floor and towards George, LeeJordan, Oliver Wood, Charlie, Ron and Harry.

"Heya guys, Guess what?" I said.

"What?" asked Ron.

"Hermione is now my girlfriend" I replied.

"Finally!" shouted George, LeeJordan and Oliver, we all began to laugh knowing exactly what they meant. I chuckled as I kissed Hermione on her cheek affectionately but when I pulled back she was looking at something behind me and her eyes suddenly grew wide. We all turned to look at what she was looking at. There was a teenage boy with messy light brown hair stalking towards us his eyes were bright silver and he looked exactly like Hermione, I gulped when I realised that it was Luke Granger, He looked very angry and I could see that he was definitely muscular and could easily knock me out. I quickly looked at George who must've realised who it was as he shared a scared look with me. Luke was halfway across the dance floor when Hermione suddenly stood in front of me, her eyes were also glowing bright silver.

"Don't even think about it Luke Edward Granger!" she hissed at him when he raised his fist ready to hit me.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ohh I love a cliff hanger. Please comment, vote and Fan thanks xxx :D

Fred and Hermione's love story (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora