You're a stalker, you're obsessed

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Ashley: Hey babe, I missed you

Chris: Y/N it's not what it looks like

At that moment Y/N bolted faster than I have ever seen before, I ran after her and called her name until she was out of sight, when I couldn't see her anymore I broke down and fell on my knees, I have never cried over a girl before, but Y/N was different she is the love of my life, and I can't believe I just lost her, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and I was not in the mood to see who it was I could already tell by their voice

Ashley: Hey baby, why you so upset? she's nothing

As soon as she said that I snapped

Chris: She's not nothing, she is ten times the person you are, if anyone is nothing it's you, how did you even know where I lived?

Ashley: I...I...I

Chris: You're a stalker, you're obsessed

Ashley: I am not, Chris we are meant to be

Chris: No, we're not, Y/N is the love of my life not you, you need to leave and never show your face around me or Y/N again

After I said that she left running and crying and I ran to my car to try and find Y/N, she doesn't know anyone in Boston except my family, so that's where I started, I narrowed it down to who's houses she's been to and the only house I know of is my moms, so I drove over as quick as I could

I pulled up and made my way to the door with tears streaming down my face, I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door, my mother opened it and saw the tears fall down my face, she has never seen me like this before

Chris: Is Y/N here? I can't find her anywhere

Lisa: No, sorry Chris

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