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"Hi little Sis" He says and I smile as I rush up to him and he manages to lift me off the ground in a spinning hug.

I laugh as he puts me back on the ground and I continue to stay in his arms as I talk to him.

"Be careful, you could pull your back out, you're old, how's retirement been treating you, old man?" I ask and he tries to hit my arm as I dodge it by moving out of his arms with a smile.

"I'm not that old" He says

"You're still 13 years older then me" I mumble, not too quietly.

"Hey, it's not my fault our parents had you late" He says and I open my mouth acting like I'm really offended.

"Clint Barton! How dare you speak to your little sister like that! You're supposed to be setting an example! And have you ever thought that they just had you too early, it would explain how you think using a bow and arrow is a suitable weapon" I shout as I jab his chest and he tries to jab my side.

Suddenly, I hear a cough and I look up from being in a head lock by Clint.

"I hate to interrupt, but we have a situation" Wanda says as Clint releases me.

"Oh yeah" He says as he dusts himself off "I'm supposed to be saving you guys" He says and I roll my eyes

"We could have done that ourselves" I state and he raises an eyebrow
"Like you were doing an amazing job of doing so before I came?" He says

Suddenly, I get a vision of, ironically, vision coming.

"Still not used to you just stopping still when you get one of your vision thingies" Clint says

I begin to walk past him "These 'vision thingies' have saved your ass multiple times, now hurry up, vision will be here in 2 minutes, we have to go!" I say as Wanda and I follow after Clint as we run out the building.


Jumping out of the van, I look around the empty car park.

"Why are we here again?" I ask

Suddenly, my question gets answered as Steve pulls up in his vintage car next to us.

He walks out the car and he shakes my brothers hand.

"Thanks for coming, you know that I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice" Steve says

"Excuse me, I'm sure we would do fine with out him, he will just get in the way" I say and i smile as I step in front of Clint placing my hand on the side of my mouth as I whisper loudly "Hes old now, he's like 70" I say

"Still, not as old as me" Steve says as I remove my hand and my brother rolls his eyes as he introduces us to Steve and another two guys step out the back of the car.

"This, guys, is y/n, y/n Barton" Clint says as I see the two guys walk around the car

"As in Barton, Barton?" The left guy asks

"Unfortunately yes, she's my sister" He sighs and I hit his arm "Sam meet y/n, y/n meet Sam" He says and I smile as i shake his hand and he walks off to see Steve with Clint.

"Hi, my names Bucky" He says as he shakes my hand and I smile

"Oh I know, you're older then both Steve and Clint aren't you?" I ask and he chuckles

"You know your brothers only 47, right?" He says as he let's go of my hand

"Exactly, ancient" I tell him and he laughs again.

"We're outside the law on this one" Steve says as he walks over and stands in front of me with who I know now as bug man. "So if you come with us, you're a wanted man" He says as he looks at me, seriously.

"I'm already a wanted woman after killing 50 enemies of HYDRA, so what's breaking a couple more rules?" I say and he smiles "Oh and plus I've got to babysit Clint. He's not had his mid day nap so he could be cranky, he's almost 50 you know" I say and Clint rolls his eyes.

"Well now that y/n is done mocking Clint" Steve says

"Oh, I'm not done, I've got more for later" I say

"Now that Y/n is done mocking Clint, for now, all of us need to suit up" He says and I smile as I see the weapons in the back of the van.

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