Part 2 - Sapphire Affection

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I don't show but I care,
I don't Cry but I feel
I don't say but you need hear me...

Everything is a lie and we don't have too much time to live same days twice.
It's fake..
Everything in this world is illusion.

"The loneliest person is the kindest
The saddest person smiles the brightest 
The most damaged person is the wisest"
Is it really the truth....

No it isn't.
It's all the complete opposite.

Never felt a feeling of comfort
No point on trying harder
But the people here doesn't except it
They can't observe my pain

The world has drawn a straight line of equality. I tried to fit but there was no place for me.

Beauty and money isn't everything they are just the essentials we need to live in this world.

Tell me where should I go,
To the right where there is nothing right,
To the left where there is nothing left.

Everything in this world will lead to doom someday. Some will go to heaven and the others will mix in rain.

Everything has mixed along with the colours sapphire. Hell is on earth and the heaven is in the galaxy.

I sometimes think,
What would be the color
Of Galaxy, then again
Should I paint it "Black or Pink"

Got no place to go even though the world is big. Nothing lasts.
Friends, lovers nor family.

But the moments we spent with them
Stays like a deep memory.

I want to paint the world with many different colors. I don't just want people to be sad but also happy. I don't want the world to be filled with Sapphire Affections.

But all off this
I can't do it....
Nevertheless, it's still the same.
Even if people try hard to change
This ruthless world.
It will remain same
Powerfull will be the ruler,
And the rest will be the listeners...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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