7: 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛

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Yoshiro Kanno Takashi


Male; He/Him


Pansexual; Switch, mostly sub

Japanese American

Introverted, soft, wholesome, caring

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Introverted, soft, wholesome, caring. He usually keeps everything to himself, his head is always in books. He likes to think that he is an optimistic person and very imaginative once you get to know him. In reality, he is just a caring and smol soul. Yoshi is a very very visual person; once you get him started on his dreams and aspirations, he is just a bundle of energy that uses every part of his body to help show his excitement.

He has graduated both high school and is in college, a sophomore to be exact. He wants a degree in psychology. But specifically on social interaction and personality traits. Yes, he will most likely analyze you, but don't worry he will ask at first.

He loves snow and his little bookstore. He built the place himself and put his heart and soul into it. Yoshi also loves dogs and he wants to be able to get one day. His future girl/boyfriend of course!

Some things he dislikes very much are people who make fun of him and his slight stuttering, blood, crying and SPIDERS. Oh man he HATES spiders. If he could, he would wish all spiders the away from this universe.

A Medical condition he has is just his stuttering. He goes to speech therapy to try and fix it. But he still struggles with some words and that's okay! He is learning. He also has weak vision but nothing that glasses can't fix!

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