Chapter Six

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Saturday, September 29th 4:15pm

I squint at the batter. He's fouled off the last two pitches. He's making me work, which isn't good. 

Problem is, I'm distracted. It's been a hell of a week. My dad's in the stands staring at me, like burning a hole into me with his eyes is going to help.

I bring the ball to my glove and glance at Robert, who catches for me during regular season. He's on the football team but got permission to miss today's game so he could be here. Robert adjusts his crouch slightly, and we've played together long enough that I can read his thoughts in movement.

I position my fingers on the ball. If I miss, it'll be a big fat softball and this guy'll crush it. I draw back and hurl as hard as I can. My pitch heads straight for the middle of the plate, and the batter takes an eager, triumphant swing. Then the ball breaks, into Robert's glove. The stadium explodes in cheers, and the batter shakes his head like he has no idea what just happened. 

I adjust my cap and try not to look so pleased. 

I felt pretty good about the game. 

I'm at Busy Bean for an invitation only showcase event, which my father insisted I go to even though Dylan's memorial is in an hour. I skip my normal postgame routine, just take a shower, and leave the locker room with Robert. 

I spot my dad as someone calls my name. "Samuel Larson?" The man approaching me looks rich. That's the only way to describe him. Sharp haircut, right amount of tan, and a confident smile as he holds his hand out to shake mine. "Josh McCann. I've spoken to your coach a few times."

"Yes Sir. Pleased to meet you," I say. My father grins like the biggest I've ever seen him. He introduces himself to Josh. 

"Hell of a shot you threw there," Josh says to me. 

"Thank you, sir. I've been working out a lot," I say. "Building up arm strength." 

"Big jump in a short time," Josh observes, and for a second it sounds like a question. Then he places a hand on my shoulder. "Well, keep it up. Nice to have a local boy on our radar." He flashes a smile, nods goodbye to my dad and Robert and takes off.

Dad won't shut up on the way home, between complaining about what I did wrong and Josh McCann. He ends up in a good mood though. 

"Dylan's family gonna be there?" he asks as he pulls up to Oakwood Academy. 

"I dunno," I answer him. "It might just be a school thing."

I get out of the car and suddenly feel exposed. People have already been staring at me enough this week. I wish I could go home, but there's no way I can miss Dylan's memorial service when I was one of the last people to see him alive. 

We walk toward where the crowd is on the football field, and I text Jess to find out where our friends are. We walk towards the front where she said they were. I have my eyes on the crowd, but don't see the girl in front of me until I almost bump into her. 

"Sorry," I say and realise who it is. "Oh hey Amy. You heading to the field?" Then I wish I could swallow my words. She wouldn't be here to mourn Dylan. She actually tried to kill herself last year because of him. After he wrote about her sleeping with a bunch of freshmen, she was harassed on social media for months. She slit her wrists in her bathroom and missed most of the school year. 

Amy snorts. "Yeah, right. Good riddance." She stares at the dirt in front of us. "Nobody could stand him, but they're all holding candles like he wasn't a gossiping douche."

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