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When I said the words, it didn't mean much. 

"Okay, so now we're dating. What happens next." I asked him. I had no clue how to date and he didn't either. So we were both clueless. "Also, how should I address you? As Itadori? As Yuuji?"

He smiled. "You can just call me Yuuji." Yuuji. Calling him by his first name, the same way I used to with Gojo. Stop thinking about Gojo! I chastised myself.

"First we can go on a date. Maybe somewhere that you find interesting. Tsumiki said that you like watching documentaries, so maybe we can watch one together? There's a nature documentary about the Amazon Rainforest showing in theatres. Oh and maybe we can go to a Chinese restaurant later because I know you like spicy food with ginger."

"Wait, are you and Tsumiki close?" I asked him. "I know you're in a club together, but I didn't know you were one of her friends."

He shrugged. "We aren't that close but we're friendly with each other. And she's a nice person." I looked at him suspiciously. I got the feeling that he was hiding something. 

I didn't think much of it though. "Anyways, you said there's a nature documentary showing in theatres? Then let's go right now." I got up from the bed and dusted off my clothes.

"Wait, right now?" He asked me. "Are you sure? Aren't you still feeling sick?" He looked at me in concern. Truthfully I was still feeling like I was about to cough, but the best way to cure it was to do something to get my mind off of it. 

"I told you I'm fine!" I insisted. "Now let's get out of here before the nurse spots us."

We took a bus to get there. We ended up being late for the movie by 10 minutes, but I figured I could just watch the intro online so it didn't matter much to me. I found the movie to be incredibly interesting, and it looks like Yuuji did too, seeing him glued to the movie screen like that.

"I thought it would be boring but it turns out it was interesting!" He exclaimed as we got out. "Maybe I should watch more nature documentaries. Nature is more extreme than I thought."

I laughed seeing how excited he was. "Yeah, all the inspiration from science fiction movies come from nature after all. I find it's better to watch the original than knock offs with bad spins put on them."

"Well, what do you want to do now?" He asked me. "Oh, we should go eat something! Maybe steak or maybe that all you can eat buffet I saw across town. In the window it said they had an unlimited supply of lobsters!"

Yuuji was so enthusiastic about things, I couldn't help but find myself laughing along with him. Even though he was a fellow rich kid, he still acted like it was his first time going to eat steak or lobster, and that it was a once in a lifetime thing. "Yeah, let's go! But you're paying" I told him, since I still didn't want to use Gojo's money.

He shrugged. "Sure. Oh yeah, and then we can go to mini golfing later, and maybe we can try the chocolate waffles from the dessert place next to it!" He suggested.

"Hey, slow down," I said. "That's a lot of stuff to do in one day. We can do some of it another day."

He smiled, and I couldn't help but smile along with him. "Okay then, let's just eat the lobster for now. Come on!" We held hands as we walked out of the movie theatre.

After a fun day with Yuuji, I hoped onto my bed. It was already 10:00 pm. I couldn't believe we spent that much time together. I looked up at the ceiling, remembering everything we did today. 

Then I remembered, I had something to talk to Tsumiki about. So I walked over to her room and knocked on her door. "Hey, Tsumiki. I need to talk to you about something."

She opened the door. "Yeah, come on in Megumi." We sat beside each other on her bed. I realized that I haven't been hanging out with her as often, mostly because of all the times I spent with different guys. I realized that I kind of missed just talking to her like this.

"Hey you know Itadori Yuuji right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I know him," she said, for some reason not meeting my gaze. I got the suspicion before that Yuuji was hiding something. Perhaps it really was true.

"Well we're dating now," I announced to her, and she lit up.

"Really?" She grabbed my hands. "That's great Megumi! Yuuji's such a nice guy, you made a great choice. Have you gone on a date yet?" She asked me. She looked a little too enthusiastic about it for someone who was only friendly acquaintances with him.

"Yeah," I answered. "We went on a date today. But that's not my point. I feel like you've been talking to him about me, considering the fact that he knows random facts about me, stuff like how I'm interested in nature and science."

She gave me a lopsided smile, "Well I've mentioned you to him here and there." I got the feeling there was still more to it.

So I asked what I was suspicious about. "The fact that he asked me out right away, and the fact that he knows stuff about me that only you would know about me since I don't have many friends. It makes me wonder, did you set me up with him? And by that I mean did you encourage him to ask me out so I could find someone."

It looks like I was on the mark with it, because she sighed. "I- yeah." She admitted. "Just light encouragement. Look Megumi, it worries me that you keep sleeping with a bunch of people. You might end up catching something if you aren't careful, and it isn't good in the long run. It's better if you-"

"If I found someone else to love." I finished her sentence for her. She looked down. 

"Well then thank you, because he really is a nice guy. And you're right that the sleeping around isn't good in the long run." I smiled, remembering how fun it was to hang out with him. "I can't force myself to end up falling for him, but who knows? I might."

She looked up at me, giving me a hopeful expression. And I got a little bit hopeful too.

"I hope it works out between you two," she said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I hope so too."

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