I don't want your body but I hate to think about you with somebody else

Start from the beginning

"We'll make it work this time. Please?"

"Sana's my sister and best friend. She likes, no she loves you. And Nayeon...you're Nayeon's best
friend. And I like her."

"Sana and I...just love each other platonically. And I know Nayeon likes you..." Momo sighs. "As her best friend and as her therapist, I'm so angry and frustrated with myself. I don't even have the
right to call myself that. But as Momo, as myself, I'm saying please give me another chance. I'm in love with you, Mitang. I'm so in love with you even after all these years."

"Do you even hear yourself right now? I still love you too...but you don't deserve that." Mina lets out when she finally looks Momo in the eyes. Her eyes are an abyss of hurt, betrayal, confusion, anger, desperation, fear, disgust, and a slight bit of hope(?).

"I understand that and I'm willing to do everything right this time just to be worthy of your love again."

Mina can't find it in herself to refuse Momo outright. She just can't. She still loves her after all.

"Mitang, I'm not forcing you to take me back or do anything you don't want to. But I'll be here, proving myself to you."

But Momo didn't even have to ask Mina to reconsider. Mina's been through this debate with herself for years. When Momo comes back and asks for a second chance, will I let her in? Though she tried to come up with excuses and let logic take control, the answer is always, without fail, a pathetic yes. But then again, things have changed and this choice does not involve only the two of them.

She knows her sister best. From the way she stood the night of their encounter, Mina knows the love Sana has for Momo isn't just platonic. It's something more profound. She can't hurt her sister like this. And Nayeon too. Nayeon doesn't deserve any of this. It would be unfair to Nayeon if Mina makes a decision now.

So she answers with uncertainty. "You need to leave now."

Momo looks at Mina with her signature puppy eyes, but Mina averts her eyes quickly, knowing it's a trap. She changes into her clothes and heads out. "We're endgame, Mitang." Momo says as a goodbye.

Mina hears the words in flesh after years. It's instinct for her heart to do a flip, but this time, it hurt more than it warmed her heart. Momo's words send Mina to a spiral of reflection. Were they really endgame? Does Momo deserve a second chance? Was Momo lying? How did Momo even find her address? Does Nayeon deserve her love more? All these questions chain Mina down in shackles she has to walk with for an indefinite time.


[Sana ]:
How did it go, Momoring?

How is she?

[Sugar Mom-o]:
We talked and I explained everything.

She needs time, and I'm willing to wait.

She doesn't seem okay.

[Sana ]:
I miss Mina. I miss my baby sister so much.

I'm giving her time to think about things first before I talk to her.

I know she hates me, so...

[Sugar Mom-o]:
I don't think she hates you. Mitang said there'll be people hurt if we get back together.

Nayeon for one, and you.

But you won't get hurt, right? You'll be happy for us?

[Sana ]:
Of course, I'll be happy. I love the both of you. I love Mitang.

Adore You (MiNayeon AU) [✔]Where stories live. Discover now