Chapter 28 - Still Kids

Start from the beginning

Rock: "What's this?"

Jinx: "You don't know either?"

Kazari: "This is a new thing. People call it a 'flying fox'. It's like a swing but with more of a thrill. Number 69, this can be dangerous for her. She's too small to go on it alone."

Rock: "No problem, Kazari. I'll go on with her."

Kazari: "One more thing, hold on tight towards the end."

Jinx: "Why?"

Kazari: "You'll see, dear."

She goes back to supervise with Hajime and Seitarou.

Jinx: "Dangerous...?"

Rock: "Don't let that word scare you. Come on, let's go on it together."

It was a tight fit on the small seat, but we managed. I held on tight to the rope. Rock held the rope with one hand and me with his other. When he kicks off, the swing travels down a cord diagonally.

Rock: "Here it comes..."

I had to decide whether to shut my eyes or keep them open. The excitement ended up outweighed the fear, so I kept them open. When we reached the end, there was a loud knock and we swung up a few feet. I let out a squeal until we came back down.

Rock: "You okay?"

I giggled.

Jinx: "Yeah, that was fun!"

Rock: "Wanna do it again?"

Jinx: "Yeah!"

We did it a couple more times. And even once by myself with Rock holding the swing so I didn't go too fast or high.

Jinx: "Hey, where's Jyugo?"

I looked around until I saw Jyugo sitting on one of the regular swings. He seemed distracted.

Uno: "Jinx, listen..."

He whispered in my ear.

Jinx: "Uh, okay!"

I walked up behind him and pushed on his back. He turned his head to me.

Jyugo: "What are you doing?"

Jinx: "Uno said I'm supposed to push you. Lift your feet up."

He smiled and let me push him a little before he stood up.

Jyugo: "Tell you what, you sit there, and I'll push you."

I smiled and sat. He went around behind me, grabbed the chains, pulled me back and let go. I giggled

Jyugo: "Kick your legs. Out when you go forward, in when you come back."

I did what he said. It was more fun when I swung my legs in sync.

Jinx: "Higher, Jyugo!"

Jyugo: "Alright, hold on."

He pushed me harder, and I swung even higher.

Jinx: "Hahaha, I'm flying!"

He smiled.

Jyugo: "You sure are! Look at you go!"

He stopped pushing and I soon slowed down. I jumped off, giggling.

Jinx: "That was fun!"

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