matthew tkachuk | calgary flames

Start from the beginning

Your name basically got huge. You had paparazzi walking around you twenty-four-seven and it bothered you so much, seeing that you do in life. But you were never to relax because they were on your mind a lot as you worried about everything.

As the referee sent you a look before turning his head, he wrapped his hand on your wrist and the opponent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, referee Herb Dean has called a stop to this contest at thirty-seven seconds of the very first round, declaring the winner by TKO..." You felt the blood quickly rush to your body as you felt a belt around your waist. "And the still disputed UFC featherweight champion of the world, Y/N, the Tigre, Y/L/N!" Bruce yelled through the microphone happily, sending you shivers and goosebumps with the audience to cheer loudly as they can.

As the opponent sent you a smile of congratulations, she walked towards you and hugged you. Just then, she whispered some sweet words to your ear before she pulled away and exited with her men with some time I've shaken hands with them.

Before she even left, Joe Rogan came to you and smiled at you. You returned it and nodded for him to go on as the camera was at your face.

"Congratulations, Y/N. I hope for the best of you. As you won twenty-four times and have not lost any fights, how are you still holding onto that?" He asked you and you panted as you tried to get some words out of your mouth.

"Um, it's pretty huge but I try and get my stuff as soon as the fight's there. There's nothing but the excitement on your body of winning especially when I achieved it..." you stopped at mid-sentence and swallowed hard before going on as the crowd lightly cheered to help you. "Thank you to everyone for the support I've gotten for the past seventeen years and right now. This is for you." The crowd roared, making you smile.

But you weren't done. You just needed to say one thing before going off.

"I just wanna say to every woman I fought with, I'm sorry that you lost against me. I appreciate you fighting with me especially when I think that you should win instead of me. I really do hope for the best of you. I won't ever feel happy unless I see the smile on your face that you completed and achieved it. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Joe." You pointed at the camera and held your fist up to encourage them. As you were done, you gave Joe a nod before taking off.

Soon enough, you and your men hugged each other again and then all together took a picture for the best and the happiness.

As you took off, you exited the fighting rink and smiled at each of your group. Walking through, you slapped many hands pointing at you as you grinned at them.

Then, as you made your way to the changing room, you sat and took a deep breath once everything and everyone was quiet of the sound we were hearing was the loud cheers.

You chuckled at it and stood up as you celebrated with the people in the room.

Looks like they're not gonna take away from this.

As time goes by fast, you ended up being in a club with some of your friends that your men set up for you to relax but it looks like one is a fan of you.

"Hi, you might not know me but I'm your biggest fan. You are so good that you have inspired me so much. It's amazing." He rambled on quickly and you chuckled softly.

But you looked deeply at him and slightly frowned as you thought he looked awfully familiar. He was so familiar that you couldn't know where he was from.

"I'm sorry but you look awfully familiar." You said hesitatingly. "Wait, are you Matthew Tkachuk?" You asked him.

Soon, he instantly widened his eyes and nodded proudly.

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