Chapter 11

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I'm currently debating in my head how to get [l/n] to think or speak about what was on her mind. If I try asking again, I doubt she'll give me an answer without me answering hers, but that would defeat the whole point.

'What you were bothered about earlier; did it have to do with me?'

[l/n] meets my eyes. "Why do you ask?"

'Just answer the question.'

She lifts a brow. "Why do you care so much about it? It's not even that big of a deal."

'If it's not a big deal, just talk.'

"Why would I answer any of your questions when you won't answer mine?"

What did I tell you?

Of course, Mera decides now is a good time to come with our orders. I would say Mera has inconvenient timing, but there's nothing inconvenient about coffee jelly. "I hope you two enjoy! Let me know if you need anything!"

She sounds polite, but she's nearly drooling over our orders.

I can feel my eyes gleam, but I try to hold back my expression. I carefully scoop a portion with my spoon and bring it to my mouth. I'm immediately overwhelmed with joy. An emotion I don't experience often, unless eating coffee jelly like I am now, or when my dad stubs his toe on the table while rushing to get ready for work.

I open my eyes to look at [l/n], suddenly feeling self conscious like last time. She's looking at me, but not in the way I thought she would. Rather than looking amused, her expression seems more genuine. She isn't smiling, but the look in her eyes is softer, and the corners of her mouth are relaxed.

It's an expression I don't understand, but I don't really want to ask her questions right now. I'll give telepathy a try.

'He actually seems happy. I guess It's kind of nice to know there's something that can make him feel that way.'

That's not really what I expected. Why is she thinking things like that?

I can feel the embarrassment in my cheeks. I should distract her with something else.

'Are you ever going to try your coffee jelly or are you going to keep watching me?'

[l/n] rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright."

She scoops up the richness with her spoon and lifts it to her mouth, looking away from me. She's trying to cover it up, but she's embarrassed too.

As she chews, her face starts to relax again. "It's good."

'Of course it's good.'

'I don't really care for sweets, but I like it. I can see why Saiki likes it so much.'

She doesn't like sweets? But didn't she get cheesecake at the cafe? What kind of trauma did she experience to ruin her joy for sweets?


My attention is brought back to reality. The shock in my face must've been noticeable, because I'm getting a confused look from [l/n] for it. I'll just have to play it off.


"You looked like you just found out your cat died, what's up with you?"

That will be the day.

'I just remembered something, that's all.'

I thought she would question that, but she didn't say a word. She just looks down at the coffee jelly and pushes it towards me.

'You don't like it?'

"I do, but-"

'It's kind of sappy, but if makes him happy, I think he'll appreciate it more than me.'

"I'm trying to be nice for once,  just take it."

My eyes widen slightly. Hesitantly, I reach for what was [l/n]'s dessert and start eating it. I'm more careful to hide my reaction this time.

'I came here with you to pay you back, not to collect more debt from you.'

[l/n] rolls her eyes. "Enough with the whole "debt" thing. It's called doing something nice. It's not a competition."

I guess I never thought about it like that. I forgot she doesn't like competition. Is that how she sees it?

'Well are you just not going to eat anything while you're here? You got cheesecake before, just get some of that.'

"I only get dessert once and awhile. Honestly I'd rather just have a bagel."

'A bagel?'

That's kind of plain compared to the desserts the cafe has to offer. Why on earth would she rather have something like a bagel? Is she only saying that because it's cheaper?

A thought of hers suddenly peaks through the others faintly. She looks sheepish.

Oh. So that's how it is.

She just really likes bread.

What a strange thing to like. Why bread of all things? Oh well.

I wait for Mera to come back around, and gesture to get her attention. "Can I get you guys something else?"

'A bagel, please.'

"Sure thing!"

[l/n] opens her mouth to say something, but stays quiet. She won't speak to me around Mera.

When Mera leaves, I make sure I'm the one to get in the first word. 'Just take the bagel, it's barely costs anything anyway.'

[l/n] is quiet. Too quiet. She finally looks at me, holding her gaze. "You know Saiki, I'm starting to get why everyone likes you."

Oh, no. She's not starting to have a crush on me is she-

"I don't mean it like that." She deadpans a little too accurately.

"Never mind. Just eat your coffee jelly."

What was that about? She's even forced herself to stop thinking about the subject almost completely, and now she's using coffee jelly to distract me? As if.

I shove a bite in my mouth in annoyance. How dare she distract me like this? But my annoyance is already melting away. Maybe there's something inconvenient about coffee jelly after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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