14 - i feel dirty

Start from the beginning

Luke: lol

Me: what?

Luke: I'm kind of glad you don't know every single thing about my life, I can tease you and you won't even know. Liz is my mom

Me: oh

Me: that's a little weird Luke

Luke: I was kidding! Her name was the first one that I thought of. She's my mommy and I love her

Me: :-)

Luke: are you and your mom close?

Me: I think I may go get some ice cream. Should I get chocolate or vanilla?

Luke: um chocolate I guess

Me: okie dokie

Luke: I want to ask you something but I should probably do it in person

Me: ok, do whatever you think is best

Luke: I still want to go pick up some chicks with you

Me: oh gosh hahaha

Luke: I wrote you something

Me: can I read it?

Luke: hmm maybe

Luke: send me a picture of you and I'll let you read it

Me: what do I do in the picture?

Luke: lol smile I guess? Idk make a silly face, anything! Whatever you want, I just want to see you

Me: can it just be my hand

Luke: jordan, I've seen you before!! Why are you so nervous?

Me: I'm not really sure. I wish I was with someone so they could take the picture with me, I don't want to do it by myself

Luke: would you like to talk instead?

Me: like on the phone?

Luke: no through some cans and a string

Luke: yes sweetheart, on the phone lol

Me: I've actually always wanted to try that can thing

Luke: me too, maybe we could try together one day :-)

Me: yeah maybe. But Luke please don't be mad but I don't think I can talk on the phone right now. I'm sorry

Luke: oh, that's ok

Me: I'm sorry

Luke: it's ok

Me: are you sure?

Luke: yeah :)

Me: alright. And hey where's the nose?

Luke: whoops, here you go -

Me: there I'll add it... :-)

Luke: thank you :-)

Me: you're welcome :-) lol

Luke: so I've been reading a lot of smut lately

Me: and how does that make you feel Luke?

Me: haha I sounded like a therapist

Luke: you're silly :-P

Luke: and I feel dirty :-(

Me: that's how it makes me feel too I think

Luke: but the other guys like it, why can't I?

Luke: I shouldn't feel bad about reading it

Me: it's your choice. I only know what you've shown me but I think you may be kind of over thinking it

Luke: idk I guess I just have a guilty conscious

Luke: plus all of our fans read it and write it. It'd be weird not to enjoy it I guess

Me: you know it's basically just written p*rn

Luke: oh my god Jordan, you seriously didn't spell it out. Hahaha it's not like I'll tell on you

Me: I know, it just felt inappropriate to spell it out!!

Luke: you can be inappropriate with me

Luke: haha jk

Me: lol smut is inappropriate enough

Luke: but yeah I guess you're right, sometimes smut is better than the real stuff

Luke: I'm not saying the word because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable :-)

Me: thank you. And I wouldn't know if it's better or not haha

Luke: liar

Me: no I'm not

Luke: hm

Me: can we talk about something else? Anything else

Luke: what do you want more than anything in the world?

Me: idk

Luke: oh come on, think about it. Everyone wants something!!

Me: not me, I'm fine with what I have

Luke: ok then. I'll start naming things

Luke: a puppy

Me: no

Luke: a car

Me: I use my dad's car

Luke: ok um a vacation?

Me: no

Luke: a shopping spree??

Me: haha no Luke! I already told you I don't want anything

Luke: aw ok

Luke: wait do you want like world peace or something? Don't all girls want that?

Me: lol that would be ideal, world peace would be great actually

Luke: well besides world peace lol, that's difficult

Me: I want to be wanted

Luke: by someone other than me

Me: yeah

Luke: by a girl

Me: yeah

Luke: by Gloria

Me: sure

Luke: I'm suspicious

Me: about what?

Luke: I have the strangest feeling that you're lying to me about the girls you say you like

Luke: Jordan?

Luke: am I wrong?

Luke: please text me back

Luke: I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry

Luke: ok text me when you're ready, I can wait

so i just want to apologize for taking a really long hiatus. thank you to everyone that was patient and left nice messages for me to come back to!! i hope everyone isn't too mad at me. i love all of you guys so much AND OH MY GOD THIS STORY ALMOST HAS 1 MILLION VIEWS.

is it juke or lordan?!?!

smut :: luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now