Nobody pov as Nia walked by Roman Seth and Dean she went to the gorilla and waited then her theme song had played then she had walked down the ramp with her ski mask on and she had her bat that was wrap in bobwires and she had got in the ring then she heard Aj Lee theme song then Aj Lee had came out and got in the ring then the referee say ring the bell then the bell had ring then Aj went to punch Nia but miss then Nia had knee Aj in the face with her good knee sending Aj to the ground cause Nia still had her other leg wrap up due to the knee injury she had last week then Nia had grab Aj by her air and throw her out of the ring then Nia had did the flying Psycho and Dean was watching cause he knew the only person that did the move was Nia but he didn't think to much of it then the man on the speaker say looks like Aj is having a hard time getting up and this person has an knee injury and still in fighting then Nia had grab Aj by her hair and throwing her back into the ring then Nia had got back in the ring and did the Camel clutch making Aj scream out in pain then Nia say tap out then the referee say do you tap out then Aj say no then Nia had got up while still had Aj in the Camel clutch then Nia had did the Corner lariat/ running bulldog sending Aj to the ground then Nia had pin Aj then the referee say 1,2 then Aj had kicked out then Nia had got up then Aj had kicked Nia in her injury knee sending Nia to the ground then Aj had pin Nia then the referee say 1,2 then Nia had kicked out then Nia had wrap her legs around around Aj neck send Aj to the ground and still had her legs around Aj neck putting a lot of pressure to Aj neck and Nia was doing the neckbreaker crusher then the man on the speaker say oh no Aj is fading away then Aj had tap out then the bell had ring then the referee had gave Nia the Diva's championship  belt and rise her hand then the man on the speaker say what's this person doing then Nia had reach for her ski mask and she had took it off and the crowd went crazy when they saw that Nia was back then the man on the speaker say I can't believe it's the Psychopath Nia she is here she is back then the other man on the speaker say and still has a knee injury she came back and took the Diva's championship belt from the champion Aj Lee then Nia had grab a mic and said into it I'm back the psychopath is back the new champion is here and guess what she's staying then the crowd had went wild then Nia had rolled out of the ring and jump over the barricade going up the step touching the fans hands and she had went backstage

Dean pov as I was watching the screen and this person was doing some of my moves and I was who the hell is this person and they had won then I had walked away then I heard the man on the speaker say it can't be it's the psychopath Nia has return to WWE and still has her knee injury she came back and took the Diva's championship belt from the champion Aj Lee then I had turn back to the screen and saw Nia standing in the ring with a mic then she said I'm back the psychopath is back the new Champion is here and guess what she is staying and the crowd had went wild when she had said that and I was still shock that Nia was here my wife was here I thought I would never see her again then I saw Seth then Seth say are you okay then I say not really man then Seth say what's wrong then I say well my wife is back at WWE then Seth say you should be happy about that then I say I am but she probably doesn't even remember that we got married then Seth say talk to her  then I had walked away

Nobody pov Nia was walking backstage she saw Finn Balor then Finn say Nia you're back then Nia say yeah then Finn say you're married then Nia say I don't know I'm single I think I'm not sure then Finn say are you okay then Nia say yeah just my knee hurts thanks to Aj Lee then Nia had almost fall then Finn had catch Nia then Finn say whoa are you sure you okay then Nia say yeah then Finna had saw Roman then Roman say what's on here then Finn say I'm just helping her out she almost fell and I catch her then Roman say I got her and thanks then Finn say no problem and walked away then Roman say here sit down for a minute then Nia had sat down then Roman say you know Dean is looking for you then Nia say why then Roman say you're his wife then Nia say I don't know then Roman say did you hit your head out there then Nia say no I don't think so then Roman had looked at Nia face and make sure she didn't had no bruises or a anything then Roman say I don't see any bruises or anything then Nia say okay then Roman saw Dean coming their way then Dean say is she okay then Roman say it's just her knee then Roman had walked away then Dean say are you okay then Nia say I'm fine then Dean say no you're not then Nia say why do you care anyway then Dean say cause you are my wife then Nia say what no I'm not then Dean say look at your finger then Nia and saw a the ring on her finger then Dean say we got married in Florida we was drunk you may not remember it but I do and I know everything about you and you know everything about me then Nia say you don't know nothing about me then Dean say you have no family cause they stop owing you cause you were into wrestling and they wanted you to stop wrestling but you didn't you kept wrestling your stage name is psychopath and I told you that you could use my moves and you're an underground wrestler and I am too and we use to be a tag team together then we came to WWE and last week at Friday night SmackDown you got injured and you haven't came back since than then Nia say how do you know all this then Dean say cause that night we was in Florida you told me everything about you even though you were drunk and I told you everything about me and I was drunk as well then Nia say you told me that your name was Jonathan Good and you were a wrestler and that your ring name is Dean Ambrose then Dean say yes but I also go by Jon Moxley as well but I just stick with Dean Ambrose for now until I quit WWE then Nia say your quitting WWE then Dean say if you're not coming back than I'm quitting then Seth say Dean we gotta go hey Nia then Nia say hi then Dean say I gotta match but we will talk after okay then Nia had nodded her head then Dean had peck Nia on her lips and walked away with Seth

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