#Eyeless Jack "2 empty eyes sockets..."

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Fandom: Creepypasta.

warnings: blood, gory details mentioning of death

"I was staring face to face with a creature with a black hoodie and a dark blue mask with no nose or mouth staring down at me. The thing that scared me the most was that it had no eyes. Just empty, black sockets. The creature also had some black substance dripping from its sockets.„~ The original description of Eyeless Jack.


"a dead body of a young man was found in his bedroom after he was badly distorted sadly some of the dead body's organs weren't found such as both of the Kidneys...which makes this young man the victim number 7 for this month who died in the same way...the police said that they are facing only one criminal and it seems he attacks any house with an open window or people who live alone...please take care and close your windows and your doors well---"

before the news anchor could finish her speech I closed the Tv with a shocked expression, that guy was actually my neighbor, My phone started to ring as I picked it up and answered: "Hello mom...no I am fine...mom no I am seriously fine...there is no need for you to be worried...mom-" somethings can't change...as well as my worried mother of course.

I am a student in the faculty of Medicine, and because of that, I had to move out of my house since the college was far away from home, but I managed to keep in touch with my family, lately where I moved in a lot of weird accidents happened the main thing was people being killed in their own sleep by someone, and everyone had a common thing which was their kidneys being taken away.

and since I studied Medicine I can tell that whoever did this has very good background information about human body parts.. and they did this like a pro as if they know exactly what they are doing, maybe the criminal itself was a doctor or a Medicine student.

"Okay, mom...bye...I love you too" I hanged on my mother while standing in front of the window seeing the neighbor's house being surrounded by police and detectives, I watched them closing the house and blocking the door with wood and nailing it to the door, I shook my head in disbelief as I walked to my door carrying my white coat, a bag that was filled up with books. 

I opened the door seeing my best friend who was watching the house as the police left "since when and you have been here?" I asked her closing the door as she looked at me "Nah...2 minutes...I just felt bad..." she said staring at the house as I patted her shoulder "let's go..." we started walking towards the college that wasn't that far away from my house as we chatted about random stuff till we arrived while we were walking upstairs I gasped in pain as my friend looked at me "y/n? you okay???" she asked me as I rolled my sleeve up seeing an old wound on my arm that had old dried blood on it.

She looked at me with a questionable look on her face as I shrugged "did you sleep with your dissection tools on your bed again?" she asked me rolling her eyes as I spoke "f/n...I didn't sleep with my dissection tools on my bed..." I answered her clearly confused why I didn't feel the pain of this wound when I woke up this morning.

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