New Kind of Love

689 21 4

1933 Chicago

Violet Bellini and her friends from work are at a local Chicago club dancing and having a good time.

Violets POV.
I was sitting at the bar waiting for my drink when I connected eyes with this man. Now his eyes were beautiful. I will never forget them. He had brown hair and was wearing a black suit like most men here. But he wasn't like most men, there was something about him that was different. I quickly looked away becoming self conscious of how I looked. I had never seen him before and he was...amazingly hot, if that's even a thing. Oh well I'm making it a thing! I grabbed my drink and walked back to the table where my friends were all seated, chatting away about the latest gossip and the handsome men they've met tonight. Someone tapped on my shoulder gently and I turned around. There was a small hope in me that it was the man from the other table. It was a different man. He had dirty blonde hair..and a beautiful smile. I couldn't help but smile back.
"Mind if I have this dance ma'am?" He asked extending his hand.
"Of corse" I smiled and took his hand and stood. As we walked over to the floor I glanced at the other table and saw the man with the beautiful eyes looking at me. I turned my focus back to the guy I was dancing with. We chatted and danced. He was very sweet and extremely funny. I caught my self laughing like an idiot at one of his jokes. Once the dance ended we parted with him kissing my cheek and saying "see you around". I sat back at the table and all the girls ooo'd at me.
"It was just a dance" I slightly giggled.
"Mhm sure" my friend Bessie said with a smirk.
"It was!" I laughed.
"Well I'm glad to hear", said an unknown voice from behind me. I turned my head to face them and my stomach filled with a trillion butterflies. It was him, the guy that I was so intrigued by. He was even more handsome up close. His cheek bones were...holy cow...amazing. I noticed a smirk form on his lips. I guess I must have been full on staring at him and didn't realize. Great just great.
"You got a little drool on you chin doll" he said with a chuckle. My hand shot up to my chin. He started laughing.
"I'm kidding sugar. But I hope my humor didn't ruin my changes of a drink with a beautiful girl" grinning.
I felt heat rise to my cheeks and I smiled back and stood. He put his hand on my lower back and we started to walk to the bar.
"Do you have a name then?" I asked with a smile.
"The names Jeremiah"
"Well Jeremiah, would you care for a dance?"
"Uh..I don't dance.." He looked at the people on the dance floor.
"Come on it'll be fun I promise. If it makes you feel better I'm not that good of a dancer" I smiled and took his hand and led him to the floor. I put my hand on his shoulder and grabbed his hand. He put his hand on my waist and looked into my eyes with a small smile.
"What about you doll? What's your name?"
"Violet Bellini" I looked back into his.
"Bellini? So you're Italian."
I nodded, "Yeah, my parents came from Italy"
He nodded. We didn't talk much after that, just looked into each other's eyes. It felt like something you would see in a movie picture. It was like me and Jeremiah were the only ones in the club, the song filling the room was the only noise. It was one of my favorite songs. "You brought a new kind of love to me" by Belle Baker. I loved the way her voice sounded. It was beautiful.

Johnny's POV. A Part of an interview he did before his departure.

Wow. Wow is all I can think then. This beautiful girl is in my arms dancing with me to a beautiful song to fit her. And I can't believe I fucking told her my name was Jeremiah. I can't lie to her. I gotta tell her, or it'll be ten times worse when she finds out. I'm John Dillinger, I rob banks. That's all I gotta say. The song ended and she pulled away slightly. I wanted to hold her in my arms but I mean I just met her. Trust me if you saw what I did you would want your arms wrapped around her too.
"Wanna get out of here?" I asked with a slight grin.
"Sure" she smiles back. Her smile was beautiful...that moment right there will always be imprinted in my brain, like a picture that never fades or tears. Suddenly I saw her smile fade, she was looking to the side of us then looked down at the ground. I looked over and saw a man staring her down.
"Can we go now?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah" I took her hand and quickly brought her out. I saw her shiver and I took off my jacket and put it around her along with my arm around her shoulder. We started walking but all I could think about was the look in her eyes when she saw that man, the fear. Who the fuck was he?

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