Night was upon you. You sat at your window waiting for Akaza arrive. You were nervous as hell. He seemed to be taking longer then usual it was almost 12am and he still wasn't here, it was literally like 6 hours to sunrise. It annoyed you because you wanted to spend a lot of time with him and it was cut short every second that passed.

"Where are you." You sulked at the window thinking how frustrating it would be if he didn't show up. Time was definitely not on your side. 12 turned into 2 and 2 turned into 4. It was almost 5am and he hasn't even came. You left from by your window getting sleepy and layed down in bed leaving your window open just incase a miracle happened. "I did all this cute shit to myself and everything." With that you drifted off to sleep.

You woke up the next morning feeling really disappointed, your window was still open, mist and humidity filled your room which annoyed you but nothing annoyed you more than Akaza not showing up. "And he thinks I'll became his wife, who stands up their wife, well I'm not his wife but still."

You ranted to yourself as you wiped the makeup you slept in off your face. dreading the thought of going to school today you rather not but from how you felt maybe you shouldn't just give up on your human life so easily. During class you paid attention and did all your work staying focused so you wouldn't regret not doing so. You did occasionally think about Akaza. Wondering how it would drive you crazy if another night went by and he didn't come. One missed night was enough.

Which is what happened. You sat up all night again and he didn't come. Maybe he was busy doing other stuff, what would a demons life consist of, you really needed to know. Was he evil or good, was he evil and just only good to you?

You go outside in your backyard and take a seat in your chair. You began talking and asking questions that you wanted to if he was here, hoping he would somehow hear you.

"What do you eat?"
"Did you ever kill or harm a human before?"
"Where do you go when you're not here?"
"If I agreed to become a demon, what would life be like for me?"

"I want to see you."

It hasn't been nothing but two days but if felt like forever. You just wanted to see him again. You wanted his attention, to hear his voice, feel his touch, just have him in your presence.

His touch.

you wanted to feel it again, the way he handled you that night he left always played on repeat on your head. Every time you thought about it it sent signals through your brain causing your body to have sexual feelings to cloud over you. The sensitive nerves between you throbbed for attention. You barely ever masturbated but thinking of him made you want to. You wanted to experience what it would feel like to fantasize you and him. You room was filled with moans and calls of his name. Thinking of him taking every part of you over and over how ever many times he desires.  His strong muscular arms and body gripping and crashed into you. The thought of him feeling good and vocalizing that sent you over the edge. You layed in bed trying to catch your breath from what you've done to yourself. "I'm such a pervert." You said pulling your blanket over you head.

Tomorrow would be the last day that he gave you to make your decision. He has to come because how else would he get his answer.

Night after night you were struck with more disappointment, it's been a whole 2 weeks since you seen him. It was so frustrating. He wasn't suppose to be gone away for this long. It was like the longer he was gone the desperate you got. You started to get annoyed and frustrated with the world around you, your normal life wasn't so appealing to you anymore and you didn't care to progress in this world any further it was like you had to force yourself to stay focused with work and school so you didn't fail in life. You hated that you thought this way about everything now because you didn't think this way before but you couldn't help it this man, creature or whatever his was changed your whole mindset and train of thought. The only thing you could say you cared about was your friends and family.

Demon slayer: Akaza X Fem reader one shot. "Thief In The Night."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora