I tapped it duplicating the chair and adjusting it beside it. Blaise dropped his jaws, "I'm impressed." He clapped his hands in pride making me bow down before throwing myself down on the chair and crossing my legs.

Riddle turned back as i raised my brows at him like: bitch, i did that.

He kept his straight apathetic expression like he wanted that to happen so it wasn't something to care about. My face fell after i felt irritation grow in me. Like, bro, react please.

He sighed checked us three for a second then suddenly stretched his strapping arms to the books on the shelves. I furrowed my brows and parted my lips when his back muscles clenched as he started throwing the books to the ground.

All of them. He just hurled them all down as we dropped our jaws in shock. "What the-" Liz started. "One inappropriate word Miss Winchester and you're straight to the principal's office." He said while the covers of the books all clamoured with each other when they dropped. He crouched down ruffling his hands between the books and dropping them.

"He's craaaazyyy." Blaise tilted his head to us whispered making me snort nodding before he turned back clutching the muscles of his face giving him a statue look. I swallowed apologising with hand gestures.

All he had to do was look at the other two cases before all the books in them fell too. I dropped in my seat groaning when I understood what he wanted us to do.

I turned to Liz before she got the message from my expression. "Seriously?!" She widened her eyes before he again turned back but this time advancing to his chair.

Alluringly, he pulled his trousers from his hips raising them, sighed then sat down as i watched amused.

"Each one of you will take a case," he started reclining in his seat and parting his legs while doing so making me gulp again. He's really got to stop that. We all dropped from leaning forward in our seats to the back in union groaning and running our fingers through our hairs.

"And arrange it... alphabetically." He locked his fingers together stretching his index out then back in. "You have half an hour." He raised his chin making Liz's blood boil with rage.

"C'mon one case! Will at least take two hours!" She kind of yelled before he raised his palm slapping the desk sturdily. "I won't accept that tone." He tilted his head narrowing his eyes at her.

I flinched as she gasped beneath her breath and Blaise furrowed his brows. He inhaled; his chest rose and fell slowly locking his thought in my head.

"Which one of you smells like weed?" He raised a brow questioning making me snort yet again, but this time i didn't hold back because. "Blaise and Anna, but mostly Blaise." Liz answered with no hesitation. "Yeah Blaise." She crossed her arms as the dark skinned guy beside me widened his eyes at her.

"Liz shut up." He whispered. I giggled rubbing a tear of laughter off my cheek. "Quit the laughter, Miss Pierce." He leisurely lifted his chin as immediately my face obeyed. Miss Pierce, yeah i kind of forgot about that.

It's usually that mesmerising 'Anastasia'. But after what he did today, he could call me whatever he want.

"Miss Pierce, the first. Miss Winchester, the middle. And mr Zabini, the last one." He listed before we stood in annoyance. I brushed my skirt down taking a glimpse at him to see his mahogany eyes fixed on my thighs.

Typical. What could one expect from someone reading about rough fuck in his office. He licked his lips then dragged his pupils along my figure to my eyes making my breath weight in my chest. His irises kindling mine as i blinked fast trying to extinguish them.

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