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"Before we start I should probably tell you that in my world you are all actors and your lives were Tv shows and Movies, anyways time for newtmas"

"Sooooo who's top and who's bottom" Stiles looked flustered as fuck.


"What? I just wanna know that's all" She started laughing at the look on her sons face.

"Well I can tell you now they both switch before you ask me how I know I know because I've heard some things" Minho shook his head with a disturbed face while Newt and Thomas sank further and further into their seats far away from the world around them.

"Wait you two knew eachother before the maze?" Scott was looking confused trying to figure it out until it clicked.

"Shit, you're the boy named after Isaac Newton that's why Stiles would always mumble something about missing his Newtie" 

Stiles and Newt just hid from them again not wanting anymore questions.

"Wait you're the cute adorable blonde boy who he used to play with?" Claudia had also only just realized where she knew him from.

Thankfully they were saved by Celyn as she played another edit.

"When you go home make sure to lock your door. don't wanna traumatize your dad"

They were all speachless.

(There's barely gonna be anything said cause I'm just gonna attack you with newtmas edits you're welcome.)

Everyone and I mean everyone was amazed at how much the two loves had been through.

"Ok sorry to say that this is now the end there will be a slight change when you go. Stiles" 

Stiles looked up at her with tears in his eyes at the thought of losing his mother all over again.

"You might wanna give your dad a call so he doesn't have a heart attack when Claudia shows up"

Stiles runs and hugs her with all his might, this is the girl who gave him his mom back and he will forever be grateful.

"Come on lets go, I need to go home and eat something so I'll see soon Stiles"

And with a flash they were all back where hey belonged, with family. A little extra information the pack eventually realized that what they had done was wrong and spent two years gaining Stiles trust back but in the end it all turned out ok.

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