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(Claus's point of view)
Looking up to see the clear blue sky once again. Hazy shapes come to haunt me as I walk through the meadow of sunflowers. "What's happening?" I thought as I slowly walk through touching each sunflower with my finger tips. Looking over to see a look alike boy with blonde hair walk right past me. "Where is the newcomer?" He said as he walked through the field. Next he just walked right through me and I freaked out, then all of a sudden I started to feel dizzy and every thing around me then turned to black.

Looking to where I stand I couldn't move anymore all of a sudden and found myself feeling glued to the floor in a position I don't want to remember anymore. Listening around to rustles of leaves I look around to see where my new destination is. There was a thick strong oak tree behind me and every where I look was either the forest ground covered in dead leaves or another tree. Since I can only listen to the sound of birds I decided to fall asleep in that position, it worked and now here I am sleeping.

Lucas's POV
The sirens went off. Everyone scatters to search for a newcomer. Looking around I slowly walk to a new stage arena. It's what I loved the most, it was a field of sunflowers in a meadow. "It's so beautiful. I love it!" I look softly at each petal of one and watch all the sunflowers move ever so slowly as if someone else was touching them. Then it hit me, I'm here for a different purpose! "Where's the newcomer?" I say to myself out loud and clear. "Hey Lucas!" I turn around to find Link next to a tree within the forest surrounding the field. "Yes?" I answer back. "Check it out I think I found a person who looks like you!" Chasing Link to find where the newcomer's statue hid, I found that is was him, the masked man. "b-but, it can't be!" I took a step back and started to tear up. "C-Claus?" I touched to statue to awaken and embraced it.

Claus's POV
"Lucas?" I look to see my younger twin embracing and crying into my arms and chest. Quickly I noticed attention from other creatures. "Who the heck are you?!" Reloading my canon I took a step back and ran straight into a blonde haired green cloaked elf?? Lucas stopped me and slammed my head against the floor. "Owwww...." that hurt alot...Looking up to Lucas still teared faced he started to playfully hit me. Crying and talking he said "Why did you leave! Where have you been! I've been so alone... so alone...I MISS YOU SO MUCH, GINGERSNAP!!!" I look at him, Gingersnap? Then I remembered, all those years ago when he and I were only 5. Where we couldn't pronounce each others names so good. He was Ice cream Cone and I was Gingersnap. All those good memories came back to love me. "Ice cream cone..." I have said softly. "Gingersnap?" Answering in a whisper. "I think I found it..." "what?" Confused Lucas asked. "My purpose... To love you..."

Regular POV
As the reunion carried on between the lost twins, poor Link stood and watched as he silently sniffled and wiped his feels away.

Me: Well, wasn't that pleasant!? Aww... if you like please comment! Awkward Link...haha...hilarious.

Searching for the TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora