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chapter 05

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chapter 05

Know what crazy ?

It is when someone already wrote down one long lists , but he ended up tearing it all and write a new one .

And that will be.....

-New list of Sora missions-
1. Be the wife
2. Live forever
3. Love each other
4. Complete each other
5. Fall in love together

Note : We are doing this for real ;)

I just want to laugh when read those lists . Just tell me in the face and don't even write it down . I still can't believe what i'm seeing the last night .

I thought John is the man who always be the brave one . But he is not . He is scared of dark and scared of storm too . Now , i'm seeing him as a scaredy man . Haha .

But still I can't even fuckin' believe he want me to accomplish my missions with marrying him . Like hey mate , be a husband and wife is not only what we going to do now , but what we are going to go in the future .

I didn't say i disagree on this.... instead of disagree on this , i just put a big agree . Because to be honest , i maybe can change my life after this . Have a married live with John . Huh , i wondered if it looks great .

I thought it can be great as what i've imagine . But it's not .

John and I become a husband and wife in just one day . What surprise me the most is when i just knew that Boss Raff is John fathers' . Oh , and i almost chocked my boss right there , luckily he is my father-in-law.

It all just went good but.....

"You will DIE!!!"

Someone shouted at me . I feel like a dream and yes , it's a dream but it feels so real . I wonder why would i even dreamed about that . I feel like it's one of warning for me .

And it's true .

One day , when i was walking on the street . There is one car , who have been following me from the bungalow . And yes , it is what you're think....they kidnapped me and i didn't manege to fight back .

Just then , i woke up and see i am at nowhere . I can't see the street . I can't hear no one , talking or even whispering . None .

I thought i have died . But i haven't .

Some noise got me creeped out and want to look who the fuck is . And i heard one growling sounds.....it come from a TIGER !!!

I opened my eyes , widen . There is a tiger . Three inches far from me . I can't move . Surely i can't . These ropes are really tighten be up at this big poll . This is not a zoo nor a forest , but i'm trapped in a cage . And there is a tiger !!!

"Help!!!" i shout .


I hear a gun shoots , shoot almost like ten times . And i hear footsteps , running toward me . And that is John .

"Sora!" he called me out . But i'm stuck in here . I can't get out or even run .

"Sora!!!" he shout again .


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